



Research Portfolio

Md. Rayhan Faruque, PhD
Department of Medicine and Surgery
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Dr. Md. Rayhan Faruque is a Veterinary Microbiologist based at the Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Bangladesh. He obtained his Doctorate degree from the CVASU in 2019. His research focuses on the "Zoo and wildlife Medicine." His field of research interest on Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, and Bioinformatics. He is a Renowned Veterinary Practitioner in the Pet (Dog, Cat, Rabbit, etc.) and Avian fields.  He serves as an Expert Member in the Horse Riding School, Bangladesh Military Academy (BMA), Bhatiary, Chattogram since 2012 till date, and an Expert Member of Wildlife Team at Chittagong Zoo, Chattogram and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Safari Park, Dulahazara, Chokoria, Cox's Bazar since 2006 till date.

Research Interests


•   Professor in Medicine & Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from June 30, 2010 to Present
•   Head (HoD) in Medicine and Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from March 1, 2009 to June 10, 2011
•   Associate Professor in Medicine & Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from Aug. 7, 2006 to June 29, 2010
•   Associate Professor in Medicine & Surgery, Chittagong Government Veterinary College from May 11, 2003 to Aug. 6, 2006
•   Assistant Professor in Medicine & Surgery, Chittagong Government Veterinary College from April 8, 1999 to May 10, 2003

•   Director (Veterinary Clinics) in Directorate of Veterinary Clinics, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from Dec. 8, 2021 to Dec. 7, 2023
•   Additional Director in Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from July 22, 2019 to Dec. 7, 2021
•   Dean in Faculty of Food Science and Technology (FFST), Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from Jan. 11, 2017 to Jan. 10, 2019
•   Director (Veterinary Clinics) in Directorate of Veterinary Clinics, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from May 26, 2015 to Jan. 10, 2017
•   Director (Veterinary Clinics) in Shahedul Alam Quadery Teaching Veterinary Hospital (SAQTVH), Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from May 26, 2007 to Feb. 25, 2009
•   Director (External Affairs) in Directorate of External Affairs, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Aug. 7, 2006 to July 19, 2008

•   Veterinary Surgeon in Department of Livestock Services (DLS), Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL) from Sept. 1, 1992 to April 7, 1999
•   Research Fellow in FMD Project, Bangladesh Agricultural University from Jan. 7, 1990 to June 30, 1990

Teaching : Current Courses

Course Name Course Code Department
Avian Medicine (Theory) AVM-401 (T) Department of Medicine and Surgery
Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine (Theory) ZWM-402 (T) Department of Medicine and Surgery

Course Name Course Code Department
Clinical Medicine (Practical) CLM-601 (P) Department of Medicine and Surgery
Production Diseases of Dairy Animals (Theory) PDD-601 (T) Department of Medicine and Surgery
Veterinary Dermatology (Theory) VED-601 (T) Department of Medicine and Surgery
Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine (Theory) ZWM-602 (T) Department of Medicine and Surgery



Cell Phone:   01711036361

T&T:   +88 031 659093 Ext. 508

Fax:   +88 031 659620


206, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM),
Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU).

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Similar to Me

Md. Saddam Hossain
Department of Genomics and Bioinformatics
Faculty of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering


Educational Qualifications

(I) D.V.M. (Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh – 2202, Bangladesh); 1987 (Results published on 11/01/1990).

 (II) M.Sc (Vet.Sc.) in Microbiology (Bangladesh Agricultural University); 1990 (Results published on 30/06/1997); (Dissertation:- Studies on the efficacy of Newcastle disease vaccines following different methods of vaccination).

 (III) M.V.Sc (Poultry Production and Health) (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, KVL, Denmark); 2003; ECTS 120 (Dissertation:- Preliminary investigations on factors influencing the vaccination programme for Newcastle disease as demonstrated by disease outbreaks, Haemagglutination - inhibition titers, and production under field conditions for DLS parent stock (PLDP area), (Results published on 23/08/2003).

 (iv) PhD (Veterinary Medicine) (Department of Medicine and Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram, Bangladesh, 2019) (Dissertation: - Epidemiological study of zoonotic Leptospirosis and Brucellosis in dairy cattle of Bangladesh), (Results published on 07/12/2019)


Acedemic Awards

Sl. No.

Name of the Scholarship / Fellowship

For which Programme


Time Frame


BAS – USDA Scholarship



01.07.2010 – 30.06.2013 


DANIDA Fellowship


The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Copenhagen, Denmark

01.08.2001 – 31.07.2003 







Research Grants

1.  Principal Investigator of the Project "Investigation into the estimation of cancer prevalence and identification of cancer biomarkers in small animals in Bangladesh."(July, 2023 – June, 2024, Funded by University Grant Commission, Bangladesh).  (On Going).

 2. Principal Investigator of the Project “Epidemiological study of clinical peste des petits  ruminant (PPR) in goats admitted to Shahedul Alam Quadery Teaching Veterinary Hospital (SAQTVH), Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU)” (July, 2022 – June, 2023, Funded by University Grant Commission, Bangladesh). (Completed).

3. Principal Investigator of the Project “Evaluation of diagnostic and treatment protocol of gastritis and its associated risk factors in dogs and cats at the Chattogram Metropolitan Area (CMA) in Bangladesh” (July, 2020 – June, 2021, Funded by University Grant Commission, Bangladesh). (Completed).

4. Principal Investigator of the Project “Antibiotic resistance pattern of important pathogenic bacteria from Chattogram commercial poultry farms” (January – June 2012, Funded by University Grant Commission, Bangladesh). (Completed).

5. Principal Investigator of the Project “Isolation and identification of Salmonella from broiler and layer in the Chattogram commercial poultry farms” (January – June 2011, Funded by CVASU through Director, Research and Extension). (Completed).

 6. Principal Investigator of the Project ‘Identification an adoptable diagnostic technique and modifiable risk factors for clinical peste des petits ruminant (PPR)” (January – June 2009, Funded by University Grant Commission, Bangladesh). (Completed).

 7. Deputy Principal Investigator of the Project: “Enhancement of smallholders’ livestock disease diagnoses, mapping of the important diseases and identification of risk factors in the RFLDC area.” (July 2009 – June 2011). (Completed).

 8. Co-investigator of the project “Study of the origin of highly pathogenic Avian influenza outbreaks in Bangladesh.” (May 2007 – April 2008). (Completed).


01. Bangladesh Veterinary Association (BVA)*.

02. Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Education and Research (BSVER)*.

03.  Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)*.

04.  Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists (BSM)*.

05. Bangladesh Society for Immunology (BSI)*.

06.  The Bangladesh Society for Parasitology (BSP).

07.  Natural History and Conservation Society of Bangladesh (NHCSB)*.

 08.  Bangladesh National Rose Society (BNRS)*.

09.  Bangladesh Krishibid Institute (BKI)*.

10. International Zoo Educators Association, South Asian Regional Network, Member, Bangladesh

11.  One World One Health – Bangladesh Initiative*

12. World Poultry Science Association – Bangladesh Branch.

13. Bangladesh Society of Veterinary Microbiology and Public Health (BSVMPH)*.

14.  Environment and Social Welfare Society, India

 15.   Nature study Society of Bangladesh.*

16. American Society for Microbiology (ASM): Global Outreach Member


                                    * Life Member.


Reviewer / Editorial Board Member*: 

 (a) Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

 (b) Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity

 (c) African Journal of Microbiology and Research

 (d) International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

 (e) International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology 

 (f) Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences*

 (g) Asian Council of Science Editors*

(h) Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences Journal**

(i) Universal Library of Multidisciplinary *

Training Program (Training, Workshop, Course and Conference):


Sl. No.

Name of Course


Organized by & / Place


Refresher’s Training on Veterinary Medicine and  Surgery

8th March to 6th April, 1995

Central Veterinary Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Training on Departmental Extension and Management

4th to 15th March, 1996

Officer’s Training Institute, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.           


15th Annual Conference, Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists

04 – 05th September, 1997

Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh – 2202, Bangladesh


20th Bangladesh Science Conference, Bangladesh Association of Advancement of Science (BAAS)

28 – 30th November, 1998

BAAS; BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh


7th Annual Scientific Conference, Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Education and Research (BSVER)

13 – 14th November, 2000

BSVER; Chattogram Government Veterinary College (CGVC), Chittagong, Bnagladesh



25 – 26th February, 2004

CGVC, Chittagong, Bnagladesh



14 – 15th March, 2005

CGVC, Chittagong, Bnagladesh


5th ASCON of Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 

13 – 14th March, 2007

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh: Hotel Agrabad 


10th Annual Scientific Conference, BSVER 

06 – 07th January, 2004

Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh – 2202, Bangladesh 


Teachers for Tigers

2nd to 4th March, 2005

Dhaka Zoo, Bangladesh


Teachers for Tigers: Advances Technique Refresher’s Course

10th to 11th March, 2006

Dhaka Zoo, Bangladesh


Development of South Asia – specific Integrated Veterinary Undergraduate Curriculum

27th to 28th February, 2008

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh: Hotel Agrabad


International Conference on “Chittagong  world and emerging challenges: A One World, One Health approach”

4th to 6th March, 2008

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh: Hotel Agrabad 


Intensive Course on “Adult Teaching”

26 to 28th October, 2008

Poultry Research and Training Centre (PRTC), Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong - 4225, Bangladesh


International Conference on “Emerging challenges: A One World, One Health approach”

8th November, 2008

 ICDDR,B, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Development of South Asia – specific Integrated Veterinary Undergraduate Curriculum

12th to 14th February, 2009

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh: Hotel Agrabad  


International Conference on “Food Security and food safety: A One World, One Health approach”

17th to 19th March, 2009

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh: Hotel Agrabad  


Workshop on “Sustainable Research Networks” 

25th April, 2010

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh 


Workshop on “Conceptualization of Self – Assessment Exercise at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine”

25 – 26th May, 2011

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh


Workshop on “Baseline Survey for Self – Assessment at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, CVASU”

05 – 06th January, 2012 

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh 


26th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologist

21st January, 2012

Department of Microbiology, Unoiversity of Chittagong, Bangladesh


International Workshop on “Self-Assessment and Quality Assurance in Higher Education”

03 – 12th February, 2012 

Quality Assurance Accreditation  Council, University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka


International Training Workshop on “Tools of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics in DNA Bar-coding”

12 – 16th February, 2012

Poultry Research Training Centre (PRTC) Laboratory of Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh 


International Conference on “Food Safety in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges:

07 – 08th March, 2012 

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong  – 4225, Bangladesh: Hotel Agrabad   


International Training Workshop on “Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in South Asian Perspective”

25 – 26 September, 2012

University of Science and Technology (USTC), Chittagong, Bangladesh.


International Training Workshop on “Techniques in Molecular Biology and their applications”

22 – 27 September, 2012

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh.


Inception Workshop on “Opportunities for food industrial placement for the graduate of Food Science and Technology, CVASU”

22nd November, 2012

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh.


Inception Workshop on “Opportunities for food industrial placement for the graduate of Food Science and Technology, CVASU”

20th December, 2012

BRAC Auditorium, Khamarbhari, Farmgate, Dhaka – 1215, Bangladesh.


International Conference on “Zoonoses and Ecohealth at Human – Animal – Environment Interface.”

6th April, 2013

Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh: BGMEA Auditorium. 


One Health Dhaka Conference

21 – 23rd  November, 2013

IEDCR Auditorium, Dhaka, Bangladesh


11th ASCON of CVASU on “Emerging Challenges in Food, Health and Environment”

6th march, 2014

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh


BIT’s 4th Annual Congress of Microbes

27 – 29th  June, 2014

Dalian, China


12th ASCON of CVASU on “Building Knowledge – Based Bio – Economy: A Livestock – Fisheries – Food Industry Interplay”

25 – 26th April, 2015

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh


13th ASCON of CVASU on “Promoting Food Safety, One Health and Blue Economy”

02 – 03rd April, 2016

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh


3rd National Conference on Natural Science and Technology

15 – 16th April, 2016

Conference Hall, Asian University for Women, Chittagong, Bangladesh


International workshop on “Development of Udder Health Control Programme in Dairy Cows in Bangladesh”

31st May – 1st June, 2016

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh 


4th National Conference on Natural Science and Technology

24 – 25th March, 2017

Conference Hall, Asian University for Women, Chittagong, Bangladesh 



14th ASCON of CVASU on “Achieving SDGs for Bangladesh – Integrating livestock and fisheries resources to ensure food safety and security”

01 – 02nd April, 2017

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh 


9th Asian Federation of Biotechnology Syposium

27 – 29 January, 2018

Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh


2nd National Scientific Conference on : Bridging the gap between the patient and health care provider for a healthy nation”

01 – 02nd March, 2018

Chittagong Maa-O-Shishu Hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh


15th International Conference on “Role of Livestock and Fisheries towards a Sustainable Food System for a Middle Income Country like Bangladesh”

12 – 13th May, 2018

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh


Workshop on “Techniques for the preparation of plastinated organs for the anatomy museum” 

13th September, 2018

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh


Seminar on “A national – level network for agriculture library and information centres in Bangladesh”

16th September, 2018

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh 


4th national DVM Intern Research Conference

19 – 20th September, 2018

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh


2nd International Workshop on “Bovine Udder Health Development”

23 – 24th October, 2018

Conference Hall, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chittagong – 4225, Bangladesh


Workshop on Project Writing by IQAC, CVASU

20th August, 2019

Conference Hall, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram – 4225, Bangladesh


16th International Conference on “ Intensification of Livestock and Fisheries for Achieving Food Safety and Nutritional Security: Challenges and Opportunities”

19 – 20th October, 2019

Conference Hall, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram – 4225, Bangladesh


International Training on “Ophthalmic Surgery”

21 – 22nd October, 2019

SAQTVH, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram – 4225, Bangladesh


10th One Health Bangladesh Conference (OHBC)

26 – 28th  November, 2019

Conference Hall, Hotel Radisson Blue, Dhaka, Bangladesh


16th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition (ASCODD)

28 – 30th January, 2020

Conference Hall, Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh


2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotechnology  and Bioengineering (ICGNB 2022)

26 – 28th June, 2022

School of Health and life Sciences, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh


8th Congress of Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists (8th AVA, 2022)

30 – 31 October, 2022

Auditorium (4th Floor), Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram – 4225, Bangladesh


International training on Pet and Companion Animal Nutrition 

4th November, 2022 

Auditorium (4th Floor), Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram – 4225, Bangladesh


International training on Pet and Companion Animal Gynecology 

8th November, 2022

Auditorium (4th Floor), Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram – 4225, Bangladesh

55. 29th BSBER AISCON                         25-26 February, 2023      Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

56. 7th ICNST ISCON                                 03-04 March, 2023           Asian University for Women, Chattogram, Bangladesh.



A. In Reputed Peer Review International Journals:

1. Swagata Das Gupta, Majharul Islam, Towhida Kamal, Md. Rayhan Faruque, Md. Shohel Al Faruk. 2023. The Confirmatory Diagnosis and Therapeutic Management of Canker in Pigeons. Research Journal of Veterinary Practitioners, 11(2): 20 – 25.

2. Sabrina Ferdous, Joya Chowdhury, Tanjila Hasan, Pronesh Dutta, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Mohammad Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Rayhan Faruque and Md. Abdul Alim. 2023. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in wild mammals of a safari park and a zoo in Bangladesh. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 9(3):1385 – 1394.

3. Rayhan Faruque, Abdul Ahad, Ahaduzzaman,  Inkeyas Uddin, Monoar Sayeed pallab, Farhad Hossain, and Ahasanul Hoque. 2022. Leptospira Epidemiology in Dairy Cattle of Bangladesh. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences, 4(11): 72 – 79.

4. Mizanur Rahman, Md. Rayhan Faruque, Md. Mizanur Rahman, and Mohammed Yousuf Elahi Chowdhury. 2022. Epidemiological and molecular detection of Anaplasma spp. in goats from Chattogram district, Bangladesh. Veterinay Medicine and Science, 2(1): 1-10.

5. Pranab Paul, Md. Rayhan Faruque, Md. Kaisar Rahman, Priyanka Das and Mohammad Yousuf Elahi    Chowdhury. 2021. Study on bacterial pathogens through multiplex polymerase chain reaction system and their antimicrobial resistance pattern in goats presumed with fever and/or diarrhea. Veterinary World, 14(5): 1080 – 1092.

6. Md. Anowar Parvez, Md. Rayhan Faruque and Rokeya Khatun. 2020. Prevalence of abortion, calf mortality and production of cattle population in commercial dairy farms of Bangladesh. Research Journal of Veterinary Practitioners, 8(4): 51 – 55. 

7.  M. Mujibur Rahaman, Umme Ruman Siddiqi, Abdullah Al Momen Sabuj, Be-Nazir Rahman, Sanya Tahmina and Md. Rayhan  Faruque, Sumon Ghosh, Nasir Uddin. 2020. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of a local comminuty towards the prevention and control of rabies in Gaibandha, Bangladesh. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 7(3): 414-420.

8. M A Parvez, M A M Prodhan, M A Rahman and M R Faruque. 2015. Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of Leptospira interrogens Serovar Hardjo in dairy cattle of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 35(3): 350 – 354.

9. Suchandan Sikder, AKM Anisur Rahman,  Mohammad Rayhan Faruque, Mohammad Abdul Alim, Shubhagata Das, Aungshuman Das Gupta, Bhajan Chandra Das, Mohammad Inkeyas Uddin and Mohammad Abdul Matin Prodhan. 2012. Bovine Brucellosis: An epidemiological study at Chittagong, Bangladesh. Pakistan Veterinary Journal. 32(4): 499 – 502.

10.  Suchandan Sikder, A M Ekhlasur Rahman, Umme Kulsum Rima, Md. Abdul Alim, Subhagata Das, Bhajan  Chandra Das and Md. Rayhan Faruque. 2012. Equine Disease: A retrosprective prevalence study in farm     conditions in Bangladesh. Wayamba Journal of Animal Science. ISSN 2012: 578X; Number: 1329045675.

11. Badrul Hasan, Rayhan Faruque, Mirva Drobni, Jonas Waldenström, Abdus Sadique, Kabir Uddin Ahmed,  Zahirul Islam, M.B. Hossain Parvez, Björn Olsen, and Munirul Alam. 2011. High prevalence of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic Escherichia coli from large – and – small – scale poultry farms in Bangladesh. Avian Diseases. 55 (4): 689 – 692. 

12. P.K. Biswas, J.P. Christensen, S.S.U. Ahmed, H. Barua, A. Das, M.H. Rahman, M. Giasuddin, A.S.M.A. Hannan, M.A. Habib, A. Ahad, A.S.M.S. Rahman, R. Faruque and N.C. Debnath. 2008. The Epidemiology of Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Chickens in Bangladesh. Emerging Infectious Diseases: Vol. 14 (12): 1909 – 1912. 

13.  B.C. Roy, H. Ranvig, S.D. Chowdhury, M. Rashid and M.R. Faruque. 2004. Production of day-old chicks from cross breed chicken eggs using rice-husk incubator, broody hen, and electric incubator. Livestock Research for Rural Development; 16 (3): (The international on-line journal on sustainable livestock-based agriculture).

14. P.K.Biswas, B.K. Sil, R. Faruque, S, Ahmed, D. Biswas and S. Chowdhury. 2002. Adenovirus induced Hydropericurdium-hepatitis Syndrome in Broiler Parent chickens in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: 5 (9): 994-996.

B. In Reputed Peer Review National Journals:

1. Md. Rayhan Faruque, Himel Barua, Pranab Paul, Md. Ahaduzzaman and Monoar Sayeed pallab. 2022. Assessing adoptability of diagnostic technique and modifiable risk factors for clinical pestedes petits ruminants. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 4(11): 38 – 44. 

2. Mosammet Nusrat Jahan, Mohammad Mozibul Haque, Monsur Ahmed, Nilufa Yeasmin, M. Abdullah al Masum amd Md. Rayhan Faruque. 2022.   Development and quality evaluation of low calorie cake and biscuit prepared with jackfruit seed flour. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 4(11): 45 – 56.

3.  Md. Rayhan Faruque, Abdul Ahad, Md. Forhad Hossain, Abu Sayeed and Md. Ahasanul Hoque. 2020. Molecular detection and epidemiology of Brucella in dairy cattle of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 8(2): 49 – 54. 

4. Faruque, M.R., Ahad., A., Parvez, M.A., Ahaduzzaman, M., Uddin, M.I., Sayeed, A., Hossain, M.F. and Hoque, M.A. 2019. Brucella epidemiology in dairy cattle of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 16th ISCON of CVASU: 46 – 52. 

5. Faruque, M.R., Ahad., A., Parvez, M.A., Ahaduzzaman, M., Uddin, M.I., Sayeed, A., Hossain, M.F. and Hoque, M.A. 2018. Leptospira epidemiology in dairy cattle of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 15th ISCON of CVASU: 3 – 14. 

6. M. R. Faruque, M.A.M. Prodhan, A. Ahad, A. Parvez, M. Ahaduzzaman, M.S. Pallab, A.M.A.M.Z. Siddiki, M.I. Uddin, B.B. Chomel and M.F. Hossain. 2016. Molecular characterization of Leptospira hardjo in dairy cattle, Chittagong district, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 13th ASCON of CVASU: 49 – 57. 

7. Das BC, Ahaduzzaman M, Akter S, Hossain F, Faruque MR, Sutradhar BC. 2015. Management of a traumatic wound in a malnourished orphan Asian baby elephant (Elephas maximus). International Journal of Natural Science: Vol. 5: 21 – 25.

8. MR Faruque, MAM Prodhan,  A Ahad, A  Parvez, A Zaman, AMAMZ Siddiki, MF Hossain, I Uddin and BB Chomel. 2015. Current status of bovine leptospirosis in Chittagong division, Bangladesh.  Proceedings of the 13th ASCON of CVASU: 92 – 98. 

9. M. A. Parvez, M. R. Faruque, B. C. Sutradhar, M. M. Rahman, A. Mannan and R. Khatun. 2014. CLINICAL DISEASES AND MANIFESTATIONS OF GOATS AND CATTLE RECORDED AT TEACHING VETERINARY HOSPITAL IN CHITTAGONG VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY. Bangladesh journal of Veterinary Medicine: 12(1): 73 – 81.

10. M R Faruque, M A M Prodhan, M A Rahman, M A Parvez, B B Chomel and M F Hossain. 2014. Epidemiological study of Brucellosis in dairy cattle of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Scientific Conference, CVASU: 20 – 24. 

11. M R Faruque, M A M Prodhan, M A Rahman, M A Parvez, B B Chomel and M F Hossain. 2013. Prevalence study of abortion in dairy cattle, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Scientific Conference, CVASU: 100 – 103. 

12. Faruque M.R., Begum S.A. ,  Pallab M.S., Masuduzzaman M. and Kashem M.A. 2012. Isolation rate of Salmonella in dead chickens from commercial poultry farms in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences: 1 (1&2): 35 – 39.

13. K B Shuvo, M K Roy, M R Faruque, K ROY and K K Ghosh. 2011. Prevalence of gastro – intestinal perasites in calf at Panchagar district. Eco – friendly Agril. J. 4 (01): 524 – 526.

14. P K Biswas, H B Kabir, A D Gupta, J P Christensen, M R Faruque, A Das, A Kashem and F H Hossain. 2010. Networking at grass root level to enhance the diagnoses of diseases of livestock reared in smallholdings and their control in the RFLDC area, Noakhali. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Scientific Conference, CVASU: 163 – 166. 

15. Azizunnesa, S D Joy, M R Faruque and M O Faruk. 2010. Common bacteria associated with disease and non disease uterine sample in postpartum dairy cows. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Scientific Conference, CVASU: 167 – 174. 

16. Amitava Paul, Shama Ranjan Barua, Pankaj Chakraborty, M Rayhan Faruque and M Mansurul Amin. 2010. Comparative efficacy of a conventional and a newly developed fowl cholera vaccine in commercial layer chickens. Bangladesh J. Microbiol. 26(1&2): 15 – 19.

17. B D Nath, P Chakraborty, M S Pallab, H Barua and M R Faruque. 2009. DIAGNOSIS OF SALMONELLOSIS IN SOME SELECTED LAYER FARMS OF COX’S BAZAR DISTRICT, BANGLADESH. Eco – friendly Agril. J. 2 (11): 931 – 935.

18. M M Uddin, M Chowdhury, M R Faruque, Azizunnesa, O F Miazi. 2008. Prevalence and vaccine efficacy of FMD at field level in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Eco – friendly Agril. J. 1 (5): 316 – 318.

19. M.R. FARUQUE, S.U. BHUIYAN, S.S.U. AHMED and M.Y.E. CHOWDHURY. 2008. Prevalence of skin diseases of rabbitInternational Journal of Animal and Fisheries Science: Vol. 1 (5): 119 – 121. 

20. S.S.U. AHMED, M.M. UDDIN, T. FERDUSHY, M.R. FARUQUE, and M.A.M. PRODHAN. 2008.  Case study of PPR with special effort on diagnosis and treatment with atropine supported fluid therapy. Bangladesh. International Journal of Animal and Fisheries Science: Vol. 1 (5): 104 – 108. 

21. M.Y.E. CHOWDHURY, M.R.FARUQUE, S.S.UDDIN AHMED, AZIZUNNESA, and S. CHOWDHURY. 2008. Occurrence of diseases and disorders of goat recorded at Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong, Bangladesh. International Journal of Animal and Fisheries Science: Vol. 1 (5): 90 – 93.  

22. M RAYHAN FARUQUE, J.P. CHRISTENSEN, M. BISGAARD, B.C. ROY and P.K. BISWAS. 2007. Factors influencing the vaccination programme for Newcastle disease in Bangladesh: Disease outbreaks, Haemagglutination-inhibition titers, and Production under Field Conditions. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology, 24: (2): 90 – 94. 

23. M.R. FARUQUE and J.P. CHRISTENSEN. 2007. Impacts of Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine on Newcastle disease vaccination and protection in Parent Stock Flocks. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology, 24: (1): 62 – 64. 

24. M.R. Faruque, S.S.U. Ahmed, Y.C. Chowdhury and M.S. Mahmud. 2004.  Prevalence of Infectious Bursal Disease in layers and broilers at Bandar upazila under Narayangonj district. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology, 21: (1): 3 – 5. 

25. PK Biswas, R Faruque, VC Dey and S Ahmed. 2001. Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of pathogenic E. coli isolated from Fayoumi chicken. Bangladesh J. Microbiol. 18:(2): 121-126.

26. Md. Rayhan Faruque, Abu Nasar Md. Aminoor Rahman, Md. Mostafizur Rahman and Abdul Jalil Sarker. 2000. Determination of immune status of chicken against Newcastle disease using Neutralization test. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology, 17:(1):  61-68. 

27. MD. MOSTAFIZUR RAHMAN, ABU NASAR MD. AMINOOR RAHMAN, MD. RAYHAN FARUQUE AND ABDUL AWAL. 1999. Comparative efficacy of different drugs against Salmonella gallinarum infection in chicks. Bangladesh J. Microbiol. 16: (1):  53-57. 

28. Md. Rayhan Faruque, Abu Nasar Md. Aminoor Rahman and Abdul Jalil Sarker. 1999. Evaluation of the level of antibody production in chickens against Newcastle disease using Haemagglutination-inhibition test. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology, 16: (1):  35-42. 

 29. P.K. BISWAS, A.N.M.A. RAHMAN, M.R. FARUQUE, P.F. SONIN, Y.V. KANAPATOV AND T. ISLAM. 1996. Adhesion properties and fimbrial antigens of pathogenic E. coli from poultry. Bangladesh J. Microbiol. 13: (1&2): 15-21.

C. Published Abstracts for Presentation (Oral / Poster): 

1. Md. Rayhan Faruque, Md. Harun Rashid and John R Berg. OP – 3:  Segmental Mandibulectomy of Acanthomatous Ameoblastoma in a dog. 8th Congress of Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists,  30 – 31 October, 2022, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, BANGLADESH (Oral).

2. Md. Rayhan Faruque, Md. Ahaduzzaman, Abdul Ahad, Md. Anowar Parvez, Md. Inkeyas Uddin,M. Mujubur Rahaman.  Leptospira epidemiology in dairy cattle of Bangladesh. (a) 9th Asian Federation of Biotechnology Conference, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 27 – 29 January, 2018 (Poster: Abstract No. 44). (b) 10th OHBC, 26 – 28th November, 2019, Conference Hall, Hotel Radisson Blue, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Poster) (c) 16th ASCODD, 28 – 30th January, 2020, Conference Hall, Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Poster). (d) 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotechnology  and Bioengineering (ICGNB 2022), 26 – 28th June, 2022, School of Health and life Sciences, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Oral).

3. M R FaruqueM A M Prodhan, A Ahad, A Parvez, M A Zaman, A M A M Z Siddiki, M I Uddin, B B Chomel and F Hossain. 2015. Molecular characterization of Leptospira Hardjo in Dairy Cattle, Chittagong District, Bangladesh. 3rd National Conference on Natural Science and Technology, Conference Hall, Asian University for Women, Chittagong, Bangladesh,  15-16th April, 2016.  (Poster).

4. P Paul, T Hasan, MR Faruque, BC Sutradhar, AKM Saifuddin and MM Rahman. Medicinalmanagement of bilateral corneal opacity in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus): a case study. 2015. Proceedings of the 14th ASCON of CVASU. P. 243 (Poster).

5. Dr. Rayhan Faruque, M. A. M. Prodhan,   A. Ahad,  A. Parvez, A.M.A.M.Z. Siddiki, ,  B.,  M.F. Hossain, I. Uddin and B.B.  Chomel. 2014. Current status of bovine leptospirosis in Chittagong Division, Bangladesh. 4th Annual Congress of Microbes; 27 – 29 June, 2014 at Dalian, China (O 86). 

6. M.R. Faruque. 2013. Current status of bovine brucellosis in dairy cattle of Bangladesh. One Health Dhaka Conference at IEDCR Auditoriym, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Oral).

7. M. R. Faruque, M. A. M. Prodhan, M. A. Rahman, M. A. Parvez, B. B. Chomel and M.F. Hossain. 2012. Prevalence study of abortion in dairy cattle, Bangladesh. 9th ASCON of CVASU at Hotel Agrabad, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Abstract No. 36, p. 48 (Oral)

8. M. R. Faruque, S.U. Bhuiyan, M. Rahman, S.S.U. Ahmed, Y.E. Chowdhury, P. Chakraborty, M. S. Pallab and S. Sikder. 2012. A study on skin disease of rabbit in Muktagaccha Upazila of Mymensingh District, Bangladesh. . 9th ASCON of CVASU at Hotel Agrabad, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Abstract No. 09, p. 62 (Poster).

9. M.B. Hasan, M. Alam, B. Olssan and R. Faruque. 1 – 3 June, 2009. Antibiotic resistant pattern of Escherichia coli from poultry in Bangladesh. 3rd Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistant in Animals and the Environment (ARAE 2009), Dhaka, Bangladesh. P31 (Poster).

10. P.K. Biswas, J.P. Christensen, S.S.U. Ahmed, H. Barua, A. Das, M.H. Rahman, M. Giasuddin, A.S.M.A. Hannan, M.A. Habib, A. Ahad, A.S.M.S. Rahman, R. Faruque and N.C. Debnath. 4 – 6 March 2008. Study of the origin of highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in Bangladesh: 1st interim report. 6th Annual Scientific Conference of CVASU. (Oral).

11. M.Y.E. Chowddury, M.A.M. Prodhan, D. Biswas, S.U. Ahmed, Azizunnesa, M.R. Faruque, M.M. Uddin, A.S.M.L. Ahsan and S. Chowdhury. 13 – 14 March 2007. Occurrence of Diseases and Disorders of Small Ruminant (Goat) Recorded at VTH of CVASU. 5th ASCON of CVASU. (Oral).

12. M.R. Faruque, J.P. Christensen, and M.R. Islam. 25 – 26 February, 2004. Preliminary investigations on factors influencing the vaccination programme for Newcastle disease as demonstrated by disease outbreaks, Haemagglutination-inhibition titers, and production under field conditions in Bangladesh. 2nd Annual Scientific Conference of CGVC. (Oral).

13. M.R. Faruque, J.P. Christensen, and M.R. Islam. 6-7 January, 2004. Impacts of Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccination on vaccine response and subsequent protection with special emphasis on Newcastle disease in Bangladesh. 10th Annual Scientific Conference, BSVER, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh: 27:26; 14 – 15th March, 2005, 3rd ASCON of CGVC, Bangladesh. (Oral).

14. P.K. Biswas, B.K. Sil, R. Faruque, M. Hossain, M.H. Mazumdar, M. Hasan, M. Alam, A. Zaman, H. Barua and H. Rashid. 13-14 November, 2000. Conventional adenovirus induced Hydropericardium-hepatitis syndrome in broiler parent stock in Chittagong. 7th Annual Scientific Conference, BSVER, CGVC, Bangladesh: 19:20. (Oral).

15. Md. Rayhan Faruque. November 28-30, 1998. Evaluation of level of antibody production in chickens against Newcastle disease using Haemagglutination-inhibition test. 20th Bangladesh Science Conference, BAAS, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Section VI: Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nutrition, and Vet. Sciences: Abs. no. 22(vi): 12. (Oral).

16. M.R. FARUQUE, A.J. SARKER, M.R. ALI, M.M. AMIN, M.M. RAHMAN, & A.N.M.A. RAHMAN. 4-5 September, 1997. Studies on the efficacy of Newcastle disease vaccines following different methods of vaccination. 15th Annual Conference, Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. (Oral).

17. Biswas P.K., Tulev, Y.V., Sonin P.F., Kanapatov Y.V., Islam T., Faruque M.R.  3-9 September, 1995. Active nonspecific immune therapy in malignant mammary gland tumors of dogs. World Veterinary Congress, World Small Animal Veterinary Association, Yokohama, Japan, Poster Sessions: Abs. no. PS 12.1. (Poster).

18. Biswas P.K., Islam T., Faruque M.R., Sonin P.F., Kanapatov Y.V. 3-9 September 1995. Adhesion properties and fimbrial antigens of pathogenic E. coli from poultry. World Veterinary Congress, World Veterinary Association, Yokohama, Japan, Free communication Sessions: Abs. no. FC 13.1.1: 148. (Oral).


Current Funding

Principal Investigator of the Project "Evaluation of diagnostic and treatment protocol of gastritis and its associated risk factors in dogs and cats at the Chattogram Metropolitan Area (CMA) in Bangladesh" (Funded by the University Grant Commission, Bangladesh; 01/07/2020 - 30/06/2021). 

Project Completed
  • Principal Investigator of the Project “Antibiotic resistance pattern of important pathogenic bacteria from Chattogram commercial poultry farms” (January – June 2012, Funded by University Grant Commission, Bangladesh).
  • Principal Investigator of the Project “Isolation and identification of Salmonella from broiler and layer in the Chattogram commercial poultry farms” (January – June 2011, Funded by CVASU through Director, Research and Extension).
  • Principal Investigator of the Project ‘Identification an adoptable diagnostic technique and modifiable risk factors for clinical peste des petits ruminant (PPR)” (January – June 2009, Funded by University  Grant Commission, Bangladesh).
  • Deputy Principal Investigator of the Project: “Enhancement of smallholders’ livestock disease diagnoses, mapping of the important diseases and identification of risk factors in the RFLDC area.” (July 2009 – June 2011).
  • Co – investigator of the project “Study of the origin of highly pathogenic Avian influenza outbreaks in      Bangladesh.” (May 2007 – April 2008).



  PG (MS)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Shafkat Mahmud 0123/ 01 1243 January-June, 2023 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Epidemiological study of osteofibrous dystrophy in goats bring into SAQTVH, CVASU
Thesis Title : Epidemiological study of osteofibrous dystrophy in goats bring into SAQTVH, CVASU
2. Farhana Farsa 0123/ 03 1245 January-June, 2023 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Isolation, identification and treatment protocol of skin diseases of goats at the SAQTVH, CVASU
Thesis Title : Isolation, identification and treatment protocol of skin diseases of goats at the SAQTVH, CVASU
3. Sharmin Akter 0123/ 02 1244 january-June, 2023 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Investigation into blood biomarkers for the diagnosis of cancer in small animals
Thesis Title : Investigation into blood biomarkers for the diagnosis of cancer in small animals
4. Farzana Rahman 2017/11 01829 July-December, 2024 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
One Health
Thesis Title : One Health
5. Anika Binte Belal 0124 / 01 1383 January-June, 2024 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Epidemiological and molecular profiling of Panlukopenia Virus in Cats across Bangladesh.
Thesis Title : Epidemiological and molecular profiling of Panlukopenia Virus in Cats across Bangladesh.
6. Md. Shahadat Hossain 0224 / 01 1570 July-December,2024 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Isolation, identification and treatment protocol of internal parasites of dogs and cats admitted to SAQTVH, CVASU.
Thesis Title : Isolation, identification and treatment protocol of internal parasites of dogs and cats admitted to SAQTVH, CVASU.
7. Sujoy Das 0224 / 02 1571 July-December, 2024 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Isolation, identification and treatment protocol of external parasites of dogs and cats admitted to SAQTVH, CVASU.
Thesis Title : Isolation, identification and treatment protocol of external parasites of dogs and cats admitted to SAQTVH, CVASU.
8. Md. Shafiquzzaman 0125/01 January-June, 2025 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens isolated from captive monkey: A one health perspective
Thesis Title : Antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens isolated from captive monkey: A one health perspective
9. Apurba Chakma 0125/02 January-June, 2025 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Molecular detection and prevalence of canine distemper of dogs
Thesis Title : Molecular detection and prevalence of canine distemper of dogs
10. Prottoy Bhadury 0125/03 January-June, 2025 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Investigation of viral evolution of FPV
Thesis Title : Investigation of viral evolution of FPV
11. Maisha Samiha 0125/17 January-June, 2025 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Epidemiological study of feline infectious peritonitis in cats admitted to SAQTVH
Thesis Title : Epidemiological study of feline infectious peritonitis in cats admitted to SAQTVH
12. U Shing Prue 0125/21 January-June, 2025 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Endoparasitic in fection and antibiotic resistance patierns of escherichia coli and salmonella isolated from pet birds in Chattogram
Thesis Title : Endoparasitic in fection and antibiotic resistance patierns of escherichia coli and salmonella isolated from pet birds in Chattogram
13. Ummey Sahibunnesa 0125/22 January-June, 2025 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Prevalence and risk factors of GI parasites in pet animal in Chattogram Metropoliton Area
Thesis Title : Prevalence and risk factors of GI parasites in pet animal in Chattogram Metropoliton Area


  PG (MS)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. DR. MD. FARHAD HOSSAIN JD 0208/01 0014 2008-2009 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Calf Morbidity and mortality in dairy farms in Chittagong areas of Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Calf Morbidity and mortality in dairy farms in Chittagong areas of Bangladesh
2. MD. BASHIR UDDIN JD 0208/02 0011 2008-2009 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Study on Peste Des Petits Ruminants based on Veterinary Hospital Patients
Thesis Title : Study on Peste Des Petits Ruminants based on Veterinary Hospital Patients
3. KUMAR BISWAJIT SHUVO JJ 0209/03 046 2009-2010 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Isolation of Escherichia coli from the gut, liver and lung of day-old-chicks and commercial broilers and their antibiogram
Thesis Title : Isolation of Escherichia coli from the gut, liver and lung of day-old-chicks and commercial broilers and their antibiogram
4. MD. SIRAZUL ISLAM JJ 0209/02 045 2009-2010 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Bovine and avian Tuberculosis in bovine calves
Thesis Title : Bovine and avian Tuberculosis in bovine calves
5. MD. MIZANUR RAHMAN JJ 0109/02 022 2009-2010 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Prevalence of Paramyxovirus-1 infection in pigeon of some selected areas in Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Prevalence of Paramyxovirus-1 infection in pigeon of some selected areas in Bangladesh
6. SUDIP DEB NATH JOY JD 0208/05 04 2009-2010 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Isolation and identification of uterine microorganisms in cow to improve fertility
Thesis Title : Isolation and identification of uterine microorganisms in cow to improve fertility
7. MOHAMMAD SOLAIMAN JJ 0109/06 026 2009-2010 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Antibiotoc resistance pattern of colibacillosis and salmonellosis from Chittagong Commercial Poultry Farms
Thesis Title : Antibiotoc resistance pattern of colibacillosis and salmonellosis from Chittagong Commercial Poultry Farms
8. A M EKHLASUR RAHMAN JD 0209/08 051 2009-2010 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Retrospective study on diseases of horses in farm condition in Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Retrospective study on diseases of horses in farm condition in Bangladesh
9. MD. FAZLE ELAHI JJ 0109/01 021 2009-2010 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Antibiotic resistant pattern of salmonellosis in layer poultry and farm environment, Chittagong
Thesis Title : Antibiotic resistant pattern of salmonellosis in layer poultry and farm environment, Chittagong
10. SUCHANDAN SIKDER JD 0209/01 044 2009-2010 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Bovine Brucellosis: An epidemiological study at Chittagong, Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Bovine Brucellosis: An epidemiological study at Chittagong, Bangladesh
11. ABDUL MANNAN JD 0209/06 049 2010-2011 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Derermination of maternally derived antibody (MDA) in day-old-broiler-chicks and its effect on disease (IBD) prevention
Thesis Title : Derermination of maternally derived antibody (MDA) in day-old-broiler-chicks and its effect on disease (IBD) prevention
12. MD. TAREK HOSSAIN JD 0209/07 050 2010-2011 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
A study on isolation and identification of causal agents of clinical mastitis in dairy animals
Thesis Title : A study on isolation and identification of causal agents of clinical mastitis in dairy animals
13. SAZEDA AKTER JD 0214/02 207 2014-2015 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Investigation of bacterial pathogens and associated risk factors for sub-clinical mastitis in goats at Chittagong in Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Investigation of bacterial pathogens and associated risk factors for sub-clinical mastitis in goats at Chittagong in Bangladesh
14. PRANAB PAUL JJ 0116/02 321 2016-2017 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Multiplex PCR System for rapid identification of bacterial pathogens from goata presumed with fever and/or diarrhea
Thesis Title : Multiplex PCR System for rapid identification of bacterial pathogens from goata presumed with fever and/or diarrhea
15. MUHAMMED ASHRAFUZZAMAN JJ 0109/04 024 2009-2010 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Prevalence of sub-clinical mastitis in crossbred cows in Sikolbaha dairy area of Chittagong
Thesis Title : Prevalence of sub-clinical mastitis in crossbred cows in Sikolbaha dairy area of Chittagong
16. MIZANUR RAHMAN JJ 0117/02 397 2016-2017 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Prevalence and olecular characterization of Anaplasma spp. in goats admitted at Teaching Veterinary Hospital, CVASU
Thesis Title : Prevalence and olecular characterization of Anaplasma spp. in goats admitted at Teaching Veterinary Hospital, CVASU
17. DR. SABRINA FERDOUS JJ 0118/06 520 2018-2019 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Comparative study of gastrointestinal parasitic infection of wild mammals at Safari Park and Zoo an Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Comparative study of gastrointestinal parasitic infection of wild mammals at Safari Park and Zoo an Bangladesh
18. NAFISA TABASSUM JJ 0110/03 00423 2017-2018 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Comparative nutritional analysis of different types of baby food in Chittagong area
Thesis Title : Comparative nutritional analysis of different types of baby food in Chittagong area
19. MOSAMMET NUSRAT JAHAN JJ 0117/15 00435 2017-2018 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Development and quality evaluation of reduced calorie, cake and biscuit supplemented with jackfruit seed flour
Thesis Title : Development and quality evaluation of reduced calorie, cake and biscuit supplemented with jackfruit seed flour
20. M. MUJIBUR RAHAMAN JJ 0116/03 322 2016-2017 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Knowledge, attitude and practice study on Rabies in a Bangladesh Community
Thesis Title : Knowledge, attitude and practice study on Rabies in a Bangladesh Community
21. TULI BANIK JJ 0117/21 00441 2017-2018 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Evaluation and physicochemical and nutrotional parameters of homemade and commercial jellies (Apple, Pineaaple): A comparative study
Thesis Title : Evaluation and physicochemical and nutrotional parameters of homemade and commercial jellies (Apple, Pineaaple): A comparative study
22. SHAHEDA BANU JJ 0118/05 00519 2018-2019 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in dogs at the Chattogram Metropolitan Area, Chattogram
Thesis Title : Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in dogs at the Chattogram Metropolitan Area, Chattogram
23. SABRINA ALAM JJ 0120/03 815 2020-2021 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Molecular detection of Escherichia coli and Methicillin – Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from gastric dogs and cats with associated risk factors at SAQTVH, Chattogram Metropolitan Area (CMA) in Bangladesh.
Thesis Title : Molecular detection of Escherichia coli and Methicillin – Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from gastric dogs and cats with associated risk factors at SAQTVH, Chattogram Metropolitan Area (CMA) in Bangladesh.
24. Farjana Akter 0122/01 1073 Jan uary-June, 2022 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index (ICPI) for Nonvirulent Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) strain isolated from backyard chicken from Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index (ICPI) for Nonvirulent Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) strain isolated from backyard chicken from Bangladesh
