



Research Portfolio

Dr Md Anowar Parvez
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine and Surgery
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Bioprocess and Genetic Engineering
Faculty of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering


 Md Anowar Parvez is an academician, clinician, researcher and consultant. He has completed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Science in Medicine degrees from Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. Afterward he has started his career as a teacher and practitioner in the department of Medicine and Surgery. Currently, he has been awarded  PhD degree from Tokyo University Agriculture and Technology  in Japan. His research interests in the field of reproductive biotechnology and photodynamic therapy.

Research Interests


•   Associate Professor in Medicine and Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Jan. 1, 2021 to Present
•   Assistant Professor in Medicine and Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from March 5, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2020
•   Lecturer in Medicine and Surgery, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Jan. 1, 2013 to March 4, 2015

•   Assistant Proctor in Office of the Proctor, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Jan. 10, 2015 to Jan. 9, 2017

•   Clinician in Medicine and Surgery, SAQ Teaching Veterinary Hospital from Jan. 1, 2013 to Present

Teaching : Current Courses

Course Name Course Code Department
Gynecology and Obstetrics GOB-401 Department of Medicine and Surgery
Andrology and Clinical AI ACA-402 Department of Medicine and Surgery

Course Name Course Code Department
Advances in Reproductive Biotechnology ARB-602 Department of Medicine and Surgery
Reproductive Health Management of Farm Animals RHM-602 Department of Medicine and Surgery
Advances in Obstetrics AOB-601 Department of Medicine and Surgery
Reproductive Hormones RDH-601 Department of Medicine and Surgery
Advance Imaging Techniques in Theriogenology AIT-601 Department of Medicine and Surgery
Production Diseases of Dairy Animals PDD-601 Department of Medicine and Surgery
Clinical Theriogenology CTH-601 Department of Medicine and Surgery

Course Name Course Code Department
Human and Animal Biotechnology GEB-407 Institutes
Diseases of Domestic Birds and Remedies BAE-5202 Institutes
Disease s of Domestic Animals and Their Remedies BAE-4303 Institutes




402, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,

Similar to Me

Dr. Abdul Ahad
Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Azizunnesa Rekha
Department of Medicine and Surgery
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
DR. Tanjila Hasan
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine and Surgery
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Educational Qualifications

PhD (March 2024)

Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Tokyo, Japan

Master of Science in Medicine (2012)

Department of Medicine and Surgery

Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Science University

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine  (2010)

Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Science University

Higher Secondary Certificate (2002)

Government Azizul Hoque College, Bogura, Bangladesh

Secondary School Certificate (2000)

Mahishaban High School, Bogura, Bangladesh



