



Research Portfolio

DR. Tanvir Ahmad Nizami
Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


DR. Tanvir Ahmad Nizami received Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and M.Sc. in Microbiology from Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) in 2018 and 2021, respectively. He served as a Molecular Biologist in the CVASU COVID-19 detection laboratory. Later, he joined Penn-CEIRR and the Fleming Fund as a Research Associate. Currently, he is serving as a Lecturer at the Dept. of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health at CVASU. 

DR. Tanvir has a strong academic and research background. He has one article as the first author and five articles as co-authors in different international peer-reviewed journals. His expertise and research interests lie in the realms of AMR, zoonoses, molecular microbiology, and virology.

He has received multiple scholarships and awards, including the prestigious Prime Minister Gold Medal Award, UGC merit scholarship, Dean's Award, BactiVac Travel Bursary Award, AVMA Merck Veterinary Scholarship, ASM Community Science Grant, National Science & Technology Fellowship, Clinical Appreciation Award, and IVSA veterinary quiz awards. He is a member of the College of Veterinary Surgeons (MCVS), the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Epicore, and the Bangladesh Veterinary Council (BVC). 

He is excited to work with other scholars and take part in interdisciplinary research dealing with significant infectious and zoonotic diseases.

DR. Tanvir at CVASU COVID-19 Detection Lab

Teaching : Current Courses

Course Name Course Code Department
Immunology and Serology IMS-302 Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health
Food Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health FHV-402 Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health
General Microbiology GMC-201 Faculty of Food Science and Technology
Problem Based Learning PBL Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Course Name Course Code Department
Industrial Microbiology IMB-601 Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health



Cell Phone:   01716734854


Room no: 108 (Ground Floor), Old Academic Building, Dept. of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi-4225, Chattogram.

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Educational Qualifications
  • MS in Microbiology (2020-2021)

             Institute: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

             Thesis: Risk factors associated with COVID-19 severe illness and genetic characteristics of the virus strains

  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) (2014-2018)

             Institute: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

  • Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)

             Institute: College of Science Business and Humanities (CSBH)

             Major: Science

  • Secondary School  Certificate (SSC)

             Institute: Chittagong Model School and College

             Major: Science 

Trainings Received
  1. Microbiology Laboratory Operations and Management, ToT (Biosafety and Biosecurity,  AST, Outbreak Investigation)- icddr,b, FFCGB- 8-19 Sep 2024
  2. 30th Foundation training for university teachers, Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University - 21 April-23 May 2024
  3. Laboratory Diagnosis of COVID-19, organized by icddr,b- Jan 16–21, 2022
  4. Antimicrobial resistance- theory and methods by Technical University of Denmark- May 2020.
  5.  Workshop on Statistics with R-Beginners Level, IQAC, CVASU- 22-23 Feb 2025
  6. Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis, IQAC, CVASU- 21 Jan 2025
  7. Training on Pedagogy organized by IQAC, CVASU - 2023


  1. Vaccines and Antimicrobial Resistance- from Science to policy, Science+Meeting, 29-30 April, 2024
  2. Rapporteur at International Buffalo Workshop Bangladesh 2024
  3. Delegate at the 4th and 1st Conference of Continuing Education for the Veterinarians and Animal Husbandry Graduates of Bangladesh- 2020 & 2017
  4. OIE Seminar for Veterinary Education Establishments (VEEs) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Control- 2019
  5. 4th National DVM Intern Research Conference (NDIRC-IV) on competency in improving animal and public health in CVASU- 2018. 
  6. 5th Bangladesh Chemistry Olympiad- 2011 


Acedemic Awards
  • Prime Minister Gold Medal Award (2019)
  • UGC Merit Award (2020)
  • BactiVac Travel Bursary Award by the University of Birmingham (2024)
  • AVMA Merck Animal Health Veterinary Student Scholarship (2016)
  • Dean's Award (2019)
  • Clinical Appreciation Award (2018)
  • Academic Appreciation Award

Research Grants
  • ASM Community Science Grant by American Society for Microbiology (2023)
  • National Science and Technology Fellowship (2020)

  • Member, Bangladesh Veterinary Council; ID-6566
  • Member of the College of Veterinary Surgeons, ID-003
  • Global Outreach-Contributing Membership, American Society for Microbiology
  • Member, Epicore


Unsung Community Hero of the COVID-19 Pandemic-2021


1. Rana  EA, Nizami TA, Islam MS, Sarker S, Rahman H, Hoque A, Rahman, M. 2024. Antimicrobial resistance and virulence profiling of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolated from cats, Bangladesh. Veterinary Quarterly. 44(1), pp.1-11. doi: 10.1080/01652176.2024.2326848

2. Rana EA, Nizami TA, Islam MS, Barua H, Islam MZ. 2023. Phenotypical identification and toxinotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolates from healthy and enteric disease-affected chickens. Veterinary Medicine International. Volume, 2023. doi: 10.1155/2023/2584171.

3. Akter S, Nizami TA, Chamonara K, Chowdhury R, Tushar MI. 2023. Assessment of two portable glucometers and an automated hematology analyzer for the monitoring of diabetes in cat. Veterinary Research Notes. 3(3):11–15. doi: 10.5455/vrn.2023.c22.

4. Rana EA, Dutta P, Islam MS, Nizami TA, Das T, Chowdhury S, Das GB. 2021. Severity assessment of single-dose Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccinated individuals infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in Southeast Bangladesh. International Journal of One Health. 7(2): 220–226. doi: 10.14202/IJOH.2021.220-226.

5. Rana EA, Chowdhury NS, Islam MS, Ara J, Nasrin SS, Dutta P, Bristi SZT, Nizami TA, Chakraborty P, Siddiki AZ. 2020. Molecular detection and prevalence of SARS-CoV2 during the early outbreak in Southern Bangladesh. International Journal of One Health. 6(2): 153-159. doi: 10.14202/IJOH.2020.153-159.

6. Nizami TA, Al Sattar A, Akter S, Rahman MH, Chisty NN, Chowdhury MYE, Hoque MA. 2020. Clinico-epidemiological Inspection of Canine Parvoviral Enteritis at Teaching Veterinary Hospital of Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. Turkish Veterinary Journal. 2(2): 45-53.

7. Mamun MAA, Hossen MA, Bhowmik M, Nizami TA, Hasib FMY, Hasan T, Hossain MA, Alim MA. 2020. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in cattle and buffalo of Sandwip Island, Chattogram, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 8(2): 84-90.


Current Funding

Principal Investigator:

Molecular characterization, antimicrobial susceptibility pattern and virulence profiling of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from poultry in Bangladesh

Project Completed

Establishment of Microbial Bio bank for Advance Microbiology Research and Creating Repository for Future Bangladeshi Type Culture Collection



  PG (MS)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Mohimanul Islam 0123/03 1225 January-June, 2023 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Roles of Poultry in Zoonotic Transmission of Campylobacter in Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Roles of Poultry in Zoonotic Transmission of Campylobacter in Bangladesh
  UG (DVM)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Tarakmoy Das 19/19 3221 2018-19 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Antibiotic Usage among Dairy Farmers of Chattogram
Thesis Title : Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Antibiotic Usage among Dairy Farmers of Chattogram
2. Nazmul Hasan 19/17 3219 2018-19 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from poultry in Chattogram
Thesis Title : Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from poultry in Chattogram
