



Research Portfolio

Dr. Amir Hossan Shaikat
Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Dr. Amir Hossan Shaikat is serving as Professor in the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. He received the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan. His particular research focuses on Endocrine Cell Signaling in the field of Physiology. He has experience on laboratory activities in the Laboratory of Animal Cell Engineering in Ibaraki University, Japan. He received an FAO sponsored postgraduate training on Pedagogy from Tufts University, USA. he has received the degree of MS in Physiology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from the Chattogram (previously Chittagong) Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Bangladesh. He also has received an overseas clinical training in Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India as a part of his DVM internship program in 2009.

He has a handsome record of research that includes publications in peer reviewed journals and in conference proceedings. He has organized the countries first Physiology Olympiad in 2013 which has attracted mass attention to the national media. He has received several prestigious scholarship and awards during his student life and academic career.

Doctoral graduation ceremony in TUAT, JapanResearch laboratory of Ibaraki University, JP

Attending conference held in Kobe Uni, JapanImage Caption

Research Interests


•   Associate Professor in Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Jan. 23, 2019 to Present
•   Assistant Professor in Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from March 2, 2014 to Jan. 22, 2019
•   Lecturer in Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Oct. 20, 2011 to March 1, 2014

•   Head in Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Oct. 16, 2024 to Present
•   Lab in-chage (Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory) in Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Poultry Research and Training Center from Feb. 26, 2023 to Present
•   Member in Academic Council, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Jan. 23, 2019 to Present

Teaching : Current Courses

Course Name Course Code Department
Basic and Circulatory Physiology BCP-101 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Neuro-endocrine and Reproductive Physiology NRP-201 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Systemic Physiology SPH-102 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Course Name Course Code Department
Avian Physiology AVP-601 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Bioconjugation Techniques in Life Science BTL-602 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology ERP-601 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Immuno Physiology IMP-601 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Molecular Cell Physiology MCP-601 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Wildlife Physiology WPH-602 Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology



Cell Phone:   +8801717188344


308, Academic Building 1, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
CVASU Main Campus, Zakir Hossain Road, Khulshi.

Find Me on..


Educational Qualifications

2021: PGT in Disease control and pedagogy, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, USA

2018: Doctor of Philosophy, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan 

Thesis: Effect of leptin in the regulation of ovarian function in chicks 

2012: MS in Physiology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 

Thesis: Investigation on sex reversal in commercial chickens in Eastern Chittagong, Bangladesh 

2010: DVM, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 

Trainings Received

As trainer

  • Postgraduate training on "Disease control and pedagogic skills" organized by FAO and Gono Biswabiddyaloy (date)
  • Postgraduate training on "Disease control and pedagogic skills" organized by FAO and CVASU (date)
  • Postgraduate training on "Disease control and pedagogic skills" organized by IQAC, CVASU(date)
  • Postgraduate training on "Laboratory clinical skills" organized by Directorate (R&E) and DPBP, CVASU for Govt. Vet(date)
  • Postgraduate training on "Laboratory clinical skills" organized by Directorate (R&E) and DPBP, CVASU for Private Vet(date)
  • Postgraduate training on "Laboratory clinical skills" organized by Directorate (R&E) and DPBP, CVASU for Private Vet(date)
  • Postgraduate training on "Laboratory clinical skills" organized by Directorate (R&E) and DPBP, CVASU for Private Vet(date)
  • Postgraduate training on "Laboratory clinical skills" organized by Directorate (R&E) and DPBP, CVASU for Private Vet(date)

As participant

  • "ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (General Requirements for the competence of testing and Calibration" organized by AGS Quality action limited on 31 August 2024 to 02 September 2024.
  • Hands-on training on "PRTC LIMS followed by real report generation through the system" organized by Land O Lakes on 19 September 2024.
  • Postgraduate training on "Disease control and pedagogic skills" organized by FAO and Tufts University USA on 30th July to 03 October 2021.
  • Workshop on "Basic Bioinformatics Tools and techniques" organized by IEEE CS BDC team SPARK and IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh on 19 December, 2020.
  • Workshop on "Data Management, Analysis, and Mapping in R" organized by Global Public Health Research Foundation from 10-12 October, 2020.
  • Workshop on "Systematic Review and Meta analysis" organized by Global Public Health Research Foundation from from 29-31 October 2020.
  • 4th IPFS-ICBHA-2019, CRISPR-CAS workshop in University of Dhaka on 10th November, 2019. 
  • Workshop on “Developing Research Communication Skills and Ethical Considerations” held in Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh in collaboration with AuthorAID (UK), Bangladesh from 18-20 February 2014.
  • Training workshop on “Application of GPS/GIS tools for computer-assisted mapping and analysis” held in Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh from 6-7 July 2013. 
  • "International Training workshop on Bioinformatics and computational biology in South Asian perspectives", 25 September 2012, Organized by CVASU, CU, and USTC, Bangladesh.
  • "Techniques in Molecular Biology and their applications", 22-27 September 2012, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Bangladesh.
  • "Teaching Techniques and Methods of Financial Management", 22-29 February 2012, Poultry Research and Training Centre, CVASU, Bangladesh.
  • "Internship Training on clinical activities, Health and Production Management of livestock and poultry", 01-15 May 2009, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India.
  • "Internship Training program", 16-30 May 2009, Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital, Directorate of Clinics, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India.
  • "Foundation Course in Computer Science and internet concept", 24 July- 30 August 2004, Bay Softtech (Pvt.) Ltd., Pentasoft, Chittagong Center, Bangladesh.



  1. Best Researcher Award (Category: Food safety and security) in CVASU Research and Innovation Festival 2024.
  2. President Gold Medal Award by 2018 Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University for best performance in MS in Physiology (2012)
  3. MEXT scholar 2015 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan for pursuing PhD degree in Tokyo University of Science and Technology.
  4. Best poster award in Second National Conference on Tropical Medicine and Toxicology on 19-20 April 2013 in Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong.
  5. Best performance award in Parasitology by Department of Pathology and Parasitology, CVASU in 2009.
  6. Best poster award in Protozoology by Department of Pathology and Parasitology, CVASU in 2008.
  7. Third best performer in 23rd National Science and Technology Week, 2000, Bangladesh.


Acedemic Awards

1) MEXT scholar 2015 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan for pursuing PhD degree in Tokyo University of Science and Technology (2015-2018). 

2) Travel grants to present research finding in 122th conference of Japanese Society of Animal Science and Spring Annual Meeting of JPSA on 28-30 March 2017; Kobe University, Japan.

3) Gold medal award from CVASU for the highest CGPA in MS in Physiology (2012); awarded on 1st Convocation of CVASU.

4) Best poster award in Second National Conference on Tropical Medicine and Toxicology on 19-20 April 2013 in Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong. 

5) Best performance award in Parasitology by Department of Pathology and Parasitology, CVASU in 2009. 

6) Best poster award in Protozoology by Department of Pathology and Parasitology, CVASU in 2008. 

7) Third best performer in 23rd National Science and Technology Week, 2000, Bangladesh.

Research Grants

1) Non-invasive monitoring of reproductive status using feces and urine hormonal assay in pregnant cattle. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2014-2015. 

2) Understanding the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on ovarian functions in rabbit. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2019-2020. 


1) Registered Veterinarian of Bangladesh Veterinary Council, Bangladesh 

2) Regular member of American Physiological Society, USA 

3) General member of Global Network of Bangladeshi Biotechnologists

4) Regular member of One Health, Bangladesh 

5) Student member of Japanese Society of Animal Science. 

6) Regular member of Bangladesh Society for Microbiologist 

7) Regular member of CCINSA 


Laboratory skills 

RT-qPCR, Western blot, Cell culture, ELISA, hematology, serum biochemistry.

Published abstract in conference proceedings

1. A. H. Shaikat, S. Namekawa, S. Ahmadi, M. Takeda and T. Ohkubo (2017). Does leptin have a role in asymmetrical development of chicken ovary? Presented in 122th conference of Japanese Society of Animal Science on 28-30 March 2017; Kobe University, Japan.

2. A. H. Shaikat and T. Ohkubo (2017). Leptin regulates LEPR, FSHR, aromatase and apoptotic marker in left ovary of juvenile female chicks; Presented in 2017 Spring Annual Meeting of JPSA on 30 March 2017; Kobe University, Japan.

3. A. H. Shaikat (2017). Role of leptin in chicken ovary: embryonic to early juvenile days; presented in Annual Research Workshop in Gene Research Center on 30 November 2017; Ibaraki University, Japan. 

4. Al-Amin, M. J. Islam, A. H. Shaikat, S. Chowdhury, M. S. A. Faruq, Islam, S. K. M. A, M. M. Hassan, M. B. Hossain, J. M. Regenstein and M. R. Alam (2015). Assessing dairy cattle welfare using farm condition, animal based measurements and physiological indicators. 8th One Health Bangladesh Conference, 29-31 March 2015.

5. Al-Amin, M. J. Islam, A. H. Shaikat, S. Chowdhury, M. S. A. Faruq, S. K. M. A. Islam, M. M. Hassan, M. B. Hossain, M. A. I. Shawn, A. K. M. Saifuddin, J. M. Regenstein and M. R. Alam (2015). Welfare assessment of dairy cows and its economic impact. 12th Annual Scientific Conference, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, 25-26 April 2015.

6. Al-Amin, M. J Islam, A. H. Shaikat, S. Chowdhury, S. K. M. A. Islam, M. M. Hassan, M. B. Hossain, M. A. I. Shawn, A. K. M.Saifuddin, J. M. Regenstein and  M. R. Alam (2015). Welfare assessment of animal during slaughter and its economic impact. 12th Annual Scientific Conference, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, 25-26 April 2015.

7. M. A. Hoque, M. M. Hassan, M. E. Hoque, S. A. Khan, A. H. Shaikat, M. Z. Hossain, S. Chowdhury, S. K. M. A. Islam, A. Islam, M. Giasuddin, H. M. Tun, Z. M. M. Rahman, B. Gummow, G. Burgess, L. Skerratt, E. Brun, M. Paul, M. Yamage and N. C. Debnath (2013). HPAI at the human-birds (wild and domestic) interface, as well as drug residues and resistances in organisms from animals are public health threats. Published in National public health conference 2013 on 13-15 January in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

8. M. S. Uddin, A. H. Shaikat, M. A. Jabbar, M. M. Mowla, H. Damaine, A. K. M. R. Alam amd S. K. M. A. Islam. (2013). Salt poisoning in sheep in the coastal area of Noakhali, Bangladesh: A case study. Poster presented in Second National Conference on Tropical Medicine and Toxicology on 19-20 April 2013 in Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong.

9. A. H. Shaikat, M. B. Hossain, S. K. M. A. Islam, M. M. Hassan, S. A. Khan, A. K. M. Saifuddin, M. N. Islam and M. A. Hoque. (2013). Alteration of sex steroid hormone levels in sex reversed chickens. Poster presented in Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2013 on 12-13 January 2013 in University of Chittagong, Chittagong.

10. S. A. Khan, A. H. Shaikat, G. Yasin, M. M. Hassan, M. A. Hoque and N. Islam. (2012). Operationalizing the first bat conservation education programme in Bangladesh. Poster presented in ninth annual scientific conference of CVASU on 7-8 March, 2012 in Hotel Agrabad, Chittagong.

Conference attended

1. 16th International Scientific Conference from 19-20th October 2019 in CVASU, Chattogram. 

2. 122th Conference of Japanese Society of Animal Science from 28-30 March 2017 in Kobe University, Japan. 

3. 2017 Spring meeting of Poultry Science by Japanese Poultry Science Association on 30 March 2017 in Kobe University, Japan. 

4. Second National Conference on Tropical Medicine and Toxicology on April 2013 in Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong. 

5. Tenth Annual Scientific Conference on Zoonoses and EcoHealth at human- animalenvironment interface on 6 April 2013 in BGMEA Auditorium, Chittagong. 

6. Ninth Annual Scientific Conference on Food Safety in Bangladesh: Issues and challenges on 7-8 March 2012 in Hotel Agrabad, Chittagong. 

7. International scientific conference on Microbiology by the Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists on 21 January, 2012 in University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 


  1. M. R. Pasha, M. B. Hossain, A. H. Shaikat, M. Rahman, M. R. Alam (2024).  Welfare assessment of broiler chickens at live bird market of Chattogram in Bangladesh. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 11(3), 803-809. [Download PDF]
  2. M. R. I. Bhuiyan, S. M. Khaliduzzaman, K. N. Priti, S. A. Khan, A. H. Shaikat (2024).  How Frequent Multi Follicular Response in Intra Uterine Insemination Cycle Leads to Multiple Pregnancy in Prolong Primary Subfertile Patient? Asian Journal of Advances in Medical Science, 6(1), 12-18. [Download PDF]
  3. Alam, M. R., Amin, A., Islam, M. J., Shaikat, A. H., Pasha, M. R., Doyle, R. E. (2023). Welfare assessment of dairy cows in commercial farms in Chattogram, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine (BJVM), 21(2), 57-69. [Download PDF]
  4. F. K. Nova, M. A. Imtiaz, M. R. Pasha, A. H. Shaikat, J. Sultana (2023). Hemato-biochemical and Endocrinological Changes during Late Pregnancy in Cows. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 6(1), 665–670. [Download PDF]
  5. A. H. Shaikat*, S. A. Khan, M. A. Imtiaz, M. R. Pasha, J. Sultana, M. R. Alam (2022). Assessing the health hazard originated via pesticide chemicals in human through rabbit model in agricultural production system in Bangladesh. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 23, 28  [Download PDF]
  6.  M. S. A. Faruk, M. R. Prank, A. H. Shaikat, S. Tahsin (2022). Chromatographic Qualification and Quantification of Antibiotic Residue in Poultry Meat. Current Research in Poultry Science, 12 (1): 65-75. [Download PDF]
  7. J. Sultana, S. A. Khan, M. R. Pasha, M. A. Imtiaz, A. Saif, F. K. Nova, A. H. Shaikat* (2022). Alteration of physiological parameters in repeat breeder cows. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 15 (2): 1-5. [Download PDF]
  8. M. S. Uddin, A. H. Shaikat, M. A. Jabbar, M. M. Mowla, H. Demaine, S. Sultana, A. K. M. Saifuddin, S. K. M. A. Islam (2021). Salt poisoning in sheep at Noakhali coastal area of Bangladesh- A case report. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 9(1):93-95.[Download PDF]
  9. A. H. Shaikat, M. Ochiai, A. Sasaki, M.Takeda, A. Arima, T. Ohkubo (2021). Leptin modulates early follicle development in chicks at age-dependent manner. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 1015.[Download PDF]
  10. T. Paul, A. Saif, M. A. Imtiaz, M. R. Pasha and A.H. Shaikat* (2020). Alterations of sex steroid hormone in an unusually sex-reversed duck: a case study. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 8(2),136-139. [Download PDF]
  11. S. A. Khan, M. A. Imtiaz, M. A. Sayeed, A. H. Shaikat and M. M. Hassan (2020). Antimicrobial resistance pattern in domestic animal - wildlife - environmental niche via the food chain to humans with a Bangladesh perspective; a systematic review. BMC Veterinary Research, 16, 302. [Article Link]
  12. P. K. Das, M. A. Imtiaz, M. R. Alam, & A. H. Shaikat* (2019). Correspondence between hormone levels in blood and feces or urine in pregnant cattle. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 7, 64-68. [Download PDF]
  13. H. Akter, A. H. Shaikat, M. A. Imtiaz,  A. Islam,  S. A. Khan, and M. M. Hassan(2019). Prevalence and multidrug resistance pattern of Escherichia coli isolated. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 7(2), 69-74. [Download PDF]
  14. M. R. Alam, M. J. Islam, A. Amin, A. H. Shaikat, M. R. Pasha, & R. E. Doyle (2019). Animal-Based Welfare Assessment of Cattle and Water Buffalo in Bangladeshi Slaughterhouses. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1-12.  [Article Link]
  15. A. H. Shaikat, S. Namekawa, S. Ahmadi, M. Takeda, & T. Ohkubo (2018). Gene expression profiling in embryonic chicken ovary during asymmetric development. Animal Science Journal, 89, 688-694. [Article Link]
  16. S. B. Mokbul, T. M. Rakib, A. K. Dash, S. K. Nath, D. K. Bhowmik, S. R. Barua, M. S. Islam, S. Sarker, & A. H. Shaikat (2016). Fecal hormone assay and urinalysis of pregnant cattle. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 4, 200- 204. [Download PDF] 
  17. M. Yousuf, M. R. Alam, A. H. Shaikat, M. S. Al Faruk, A. K. M. Saifuddin, A. L. Ahasan, K. Islam, & S. K. M. Islam (2016). Nutritional status of high yielding crossbred cow around parturition. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 3(1), 68-74. [Download PDF] 
  18. A. H. Shaikat*, M. A. Hoque, S. K. M. A. Islam, M. M. Hassan, S. A. Khan, A. K. M. Saifuddin, M. A. Mamun, M. Yousuf, & M. B. Hossain (2015). Investigation of sex reversal in layer chickens in Bangladesh. Advance in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 3(4), 245-252.  [Download PDF] 
  19. M. A. Hoque, M. M. Hassan, E. Haque, A. H. Shaikat, S. A. Khan, A. Alim, L. F. Skerratt, A. Islam, H. M. Tun, R. Dissanayake, T. K. Day, N. C. Debnath & M. Yamage (2014). A survey of gastro-intestinal parasitic infection in domestic and wild birds in Chittagong and Greater Sylhet, Bangladesh. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,117: 305-312.  [Article Link]
  20. M. E. Hossain, G. B. Das, M. M. Hasan, A. H. Shaikat &A. S. M. Bari (2014). The effect of choline chloride supplementation on performance parameters and carcass characteristics of broiler. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 4(2): 373-378.  [Download PDF] 
  21. A.H. Shaikat, M. M. Hassan, S. A. Khan, M. N. Islam, M. A. Hoque, M. S. Bari & M. E. Hossain (2013). Haemato-Biochemical profiles of indigenous goats (Capra hircus) at Chittagong, Bangladesh. Veterinary World, 6(10): 789-793.  [Download PDF] 
  22. M. A. Mamun, M. M. Hassan, A. H. Shaikat, S. K. M. A. Islam, M. A. Hoque, M. Uddin & M. B. Hossain (2013). Biochemical analysis of blood of native cattle in the hilly area of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 11(1): 51-56. [Article Link]
  23. M. B. Hossain, M. N. Islam, A. H. Shaikat, M. G. Yasin, M. M. Hassan, S. K. M. A. Islam, A. Rahman, M. A. Mamun & S. A. Khan (2013). Biochemical profile of wild-captured Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 11(1): 75-79. [Article Link]
  24. S. A. Khan, M. Alauddin, M. M. Hassan, S. K. M. A. Islam, M. B. Hossain, A. H. Shaikat, M. N. Islam, N. C. Debnath & M. A. Hoque (2013). Comparative performance and Hemato-Biochemical profile of Jinding Ducks in different production systems of Bangladesh. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 33(1): 113-116.
  25. M. M. Hassan, S. A. Khan, A. H. Shaikat, M. E. Hossain, M. A. Hoque, M. H. Ullah & S. Islam (2013). Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory effects of ethanol extracted leaves of selected medicinal plants in animal model. Veterinary World, 6(2): 68-71. [Download PDF] 
  26. A. H. Shaikat*, M. M. Hassan, S. K. M. Azizul Islam, S. A. Khan, M. A. Hoque, M. N. Islam & M. B. Hossain (2012). Non-protein nitrogen compound poisoning in cattle. University Journal of Zoology, 31: 65-68. [Article Link]
  27. S. K. M. A. Islam, M. Alauddin, M. M. Hassan, S. A. Khan, M. R. Alam, M. B. Hossain, A. S. M. L. Ahasan, A. K. M. Saifuddin, S. Sultana, H. M. Tun, A. H. Shaikat, N. C. Debnath & M. A. Hoque (2012). Biochemical analysis on blood and crop contents of household chickens along with their production and health status in Bangladesh. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 32(4): 575-578. 
  28. S. K Shil, A. H. Shaikat, B. K. Nath, M. F. H. Khan & S. A Khan (2012). Hematobiochemical profile in lactating cows and their calves. Journal of Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology, 9(1 & 2): 41-44.

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Current Funding

Evaluation of the blood biochemistry, hematological status, and nutritional status of cross-bred calves grown under intensive farming in both hot and cold conditions, funded by UGC/CVASU 2024-2025.

Project Completed

  1. Effect of insulin on the mRNA expression of genes involved in glucose and energy metabolism. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2022-2023.
  2. Interplay between insulin and cortisol during slaughter in birds. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2022-2023
  3. Establishment of chemical based pregnancy diagnosis protocol of cattle at CVASU. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2021-2022. 
  4. Understanding the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on ovarian functions in rabbit. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2019-2020. 
  5. Non-invasive monitoring of reproductive status using feces and urine hormonal assay in pregnant cattle. University Grants Commission through CVASU, 2014-2015. 



  PG (MS)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Hasna Akter 0117/07 00427 2017-2018 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Prevalence and Multidrug resistance pattern of Escherichia coli isolated from street food
Thesis Title : Prevalence and Multidrug resistance pattern of Escherichia coli isolated from street food
2. Prokash Kumar Das 0115/05 00253 2015-2016 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Noninvasive monitoring of reproductive status using feces and urine hormonal assay in pregnant cattle
Thesis Title : Noninvasive monitoring of reproductive status using feces and urine hormonal assay in pregnant cattle
3. Al Amin 1 1 1 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Welfare assessment of dairy cow using animal based measurement, Farm condition and selective physiological indicators
Thesis Title : Welfare assessment of dairy cow using animal based measurement, Farm condition and selective physiological indicators
4. Md. Jahirul Islam 1 1 1 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Welfare assessment of cattle and water buffalo during pre- Slaughter handling and using selective physiological Indicators at the time of slaughter
Thesis Title : Welfare assessment of cattle and water buffalo during pre- Slaughter handling and using selective physiological Indicators at the time of slaughter
5. Md. Sayadur Rahman 0118/02 00512 January-June 2018 PG (MS) CoI

Thesis Title :
Effect of seasonal variation on physiological indicators in broiler chickens
Thesis Title : Effect of seasonal variation on physiological indicators in broiler chickens
  UG (DVM)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Rahima Akther 14/23 01177 1 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Management of cutaneous bovine Papillomatosis by combimation of Autohaemotherapy and autogenous vaccine
Thesis Title : Management of cutaneous bovine Papillomatosis by combimation of Autohaemotherapy and autogenous vaccine
2. Md. Saiful Islam 09/109 473 2008-2009 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Hematobiochemical profile and Urinalysis of crossbreed pregnant Cattle
Thesis Title : Hematobiochemical profile and Urinalysis of crossbreed pregnant Cattle
3. Shahir Bin Mokbul 08/52 394 2007-2008 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Fecal hormone assay and urinalysis of pregnant cattle
Thesis Title : Fecal hormone assay and urinalysis of pregnant cattle
4. Monzurul Hoque Shawn xxxx xxxx xxxx UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Analysis of Diseases in accordance with Environmental and Socioeconomic Status in Tangail
Thesis Title : Analysis of Diseases in accordance with Environmental and Socioeconomic Status in Tangail
5. Tanvir Islam 15/52 01470 2014-2015 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
A Report oN COVID 19 situation of June month 2020 in Bangladesh
Thesis Title : A Report oN COVID 19 situation of June month 2020 in Bangladesh
6. Sirajul Islam Sagor 17/70 01911 2016-2017 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Clinical Management of Hydrometra in a Goat: A case report
Thesis Title : Clinical Management of Hydrometra in a Goat: A case report
7. Partha Samanta 15/101 01429 2014-2015 UG (DVM) PI

Thesis Title :
Surgical Management of Limb Amputation of a kitten: A Case Report
Thesis Title : Surgical Management of Limb Amputation of a kitten: A Case Report


Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology [Link]

Ibaraki University [Link]