



Research Portfolio

Dr. S. K. M. Azizul Islam
Department of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering


Dr. S.K.M. Azizul Islam obtained Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from the former Chittagong Government Veterinary College, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Chittagong and then Master of Philosophy in Biological Sciences major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the same university. Currently Mr. Aziz is the P. hD. fellow in the Department of Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Dongguk University, College of Medicine, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea under the SRD II scholarship. He began his carrier as a lecturer in 2003 at the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, of the then Chittagong Government Veterinary College; later he promoted as an Assistant professor in 2007 and Associated professor in 2012 till to date, respectively in Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. Since beginning of his carrier he has been involved with teaching, research, social and professional activities for instance CVASU alumni, teachers association, One Health Movement, VSVER, Bangladesh Veterinary Council, Bangladesh Kishibid Institution, Bangladesh Veterinary Association. He got privilege to do work in curriculum development at both undergraduate (DVM, Food Science and Technology, Fisheries) and post graduate levels specially for Biochemistry. A number of research projects had been conducted by him as principal investigator and co-investigator in collaboration with different departments of CVASU, School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Chittagong. These projects were supported Smallholder Livestock Devlopment Project (SLDP), DANIDA, Regional Fisheries and Livestock Developemnt Project (RFLDC), DANIDA; Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, and Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. Notably as a former student of CVASU he was being involved with formation of CVASU Alumni, Anwnessa Science Club. Moreover, we have developed Community-based Animal Health Care Services, first time in Bnagldesh, in 3 upazilla namely Sitakunda, Mirsharai, in Chittagong and Subornachar, Noakhali. Mr. Aziz also did pharmacokinetic studies of ciprofloxacin in chicken model; started antimicrobial residues analysis in different livestock products and fishes first time in Bnagladesh in the field of Veterinary Medicine; conducted researches on herbal extract as anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anthelmintic. He published research article in different journals: Endocrine journal, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Journal of antibiotics, Bangladesh Veterinary Journal, Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Bangladesh Journal of Livestock Research, Intas polivet, International Journal of Livestock Production, Pakistan Veterinary Journal, Research Journal for Veterinary Practitioners, Asian Pacific Journal of  Tropical Biomedicine, Asian Journal of Biological Science, and Advance in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. In addition, he has presented a significant number of oral and poster and published conference papers and abstracts in the proceedings of various conferences. Other than these, he has also been supervised 25 internship students to produce research based clinical reports, and several post graduate students as supervisor and co-supervisor. Apart from these activities he has also been involved with public services in the field of Clinical Biochemistry, CVASU.

Research Interests


•   Lecturer in Department Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Chittagong Government Veterinary College, Bangladesh from Dec. 30, 2020 to Present
•   Assistant Professor in Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Dec. 18, 2008 to Present



Cell Phone:   +88 01912511289

T&T:   00031659093(370)

Fax:   88-031-659093


313, Academic Building-1, Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,


Educational Qualifications

PhD in Medicine (Internal Medicine major), Dongguk University College of Medicine, Gyeongju, Korea. 

Masters of Philosophy (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major), University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.


Acedemic Awards

Scholarship Award during 2000-2001 from Bangladesh Scholarship Council and the Nippon Foundation, Japan

 Fellowship Award: GOB-DANIDA fellowship for MPhil degree

 Appreciation award for presenting the 2nd best poster at International Conference on Changing World and Emerging Challenges: A One World One Health Approach from 4-6 March 2008 organized by Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, DANIDA, DFID and The British Council, Bangladesh.

 Study and Reserach at Dongguk (SRD II) PhD scholarship (2014) in Dongguk University, South Korea

Research Grants


: Principal Investigator, Pattern of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (VEGFR) expression in arsenic exposed Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (HPBMC) - supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.


: Research Associate, Community-based Animal Health Care Services at Chittagong and Noakhali District”. Implementing Agency: Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University funded by DANIDA through RFLDC.


: Co-Investigator, Detection of antibiotic residue in Beef and Goat Meat by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography and Microbial Inhibition test),Funded by Poultry Research and Training Centre.


: Principal Investigator, Existing status of the family poultry, production performance and evaluation of nutrients in the crop and blood of fayoumi and deshi chickens in intensive and semi-scavenging rearing system, Funded by SLDP-2 and DANIDA.


: Co-Investigator, A Prevalence survey of parasites in semi-scavenging Black Bengal Goats and Impact of anthelmintic treatment against ecto and endo parasites at PahartaliThana under Chittagong District”, Bangladesh, Funded by CVASU Research Fund.


: Principal Investigator, A cross-sectional study followed by a field trail of combination of Triclabendazole plus Levamizole and combination of Sulphonamides against gastrointestinal parasites and coccidiosis of Goats respectively at Wareless Colony”, Pahartali, Chittagong, Bangladesh.Funded by Square Pharmaceuticals, Bangladesh.


: Co-Investigator, Monitoring health and production of semi-scavenging Ducks reared under duck model production chain in SLDP based areas or Noakhali District of Bangladesh. Funded by SLDP-2 and DANIDA.


