



Research Portfolio

Dr. A. K. M. Humayun Kober
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Poultry Research and Training Centre (PRTC)


Welcome to the Homepage 

Overview of Research & Academic Biography 

A. K. M. Humayun Kober received the B.Sc. in Animal Husbandry & M.S. in  Dairy Science from Bangladesh Agriculture University and the Ph.D. from the Tokyo University of Agriculture and TechnologyJapan. He did a JSPS Post-doc (2015-2017) and JSPS Invitational Research Fellow (2022-2023) on Food Immunology at Tohoku University, Japan. He was a Visiting Researcher (2014) at the Norwegian Univ. of Life Sciences, Norway. He joined as a Lecturer in the Dept of Dairy & Poultry Science, CVASU in 2001 and he holds the position of Professor since 2015.

He published about 51 original research articles (achievements about 107 IF) in reputed journals such as Frontiers in Immunology, Molecular Immunology, Cells etc. He also works in collaboration with Dr. Haruki Kitazawa of Tohoku University. These studies mainly focused on the development of functional foods and feeds using immunomodulatory probiotics. He received several prestigious national and international awards during his academic career including recipient of the “Best researcher award 2019-2020” of CVASU researcher’s, to chair a scientific session in front of very genius researcher (one of them are co-researcher of Nobel Laureate) in international symposium and holding national consultant (department of livestock services, GOB) positions. Details can be find on CV.

Recently (Aug, 2024) he  published his maiden book 【Milk and Dairy Foods: Nutrition, Processing and Healthy Aging】 as sole author by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, USA ( and already has caught the attention throughout the GLOBE.

Dr. Humayun has chaired scientific meetings and served as Guest Editor/Review Editor/Associate Editor on the editorial boards of scientific publications such as Microorganisms and Frontiers in Microbiology. He also involved professional activity including societies, reviewer of several journals, projects evaluator. Furthermore he presented his research works in reputed Society such as Canadian Society of Microbiologists, European Microbiologists, and Japanese Society of Food immunology/ Animal /Veterinary/Dairy Science etc. He has supervised over 15 master's students and is now supervising 5 master's students 

His present research activities focusing on:

1) Product development and quality evaluation of milk & milk products (Fig.1).

2) Development of next-generation immunobiotics for growing healthy livestock & humans (collaborative work with JP) (Fig.2).

3) Isolation and identification of LAB and developing Probiotic Dahi/ Yogurt in Bangladesh (Fig.3).

4) Antimicrobial uses in lactating cows /Antimicrobial residues in milk & milk products of Bangladesh (Fig.4-a & b).

5) Dairy production including sub-clinical Mastitis in Dairy cows of Bangladesh (Fig.5).

6) Isolation of Pathogens from Milk & Milk Products  (Fig.6).


Research Interests


•   Professor in Dept. of Dairy & Poultry Science, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from May 1, 2015 to Present
•   Associate Professor in Dept. of Dairy & Poultry Science, CVASU from March 15, 2011 to May 1, 2015
•   Assistant Professor in Dept. of Dairy & Poultry Science, CVASU from April 16, 2003 to March 15, 2011
•   Lecturer in Dept. of Dairy & Poultry Science, CVASU (Former CGVC) from July 18, 2001 to April 15, 2003

•   Head in Dept. of Dairy & Poultry Science, CVASU from March 1, 2024 to Present
•   Head in Dept. of Dairy & Poultry Science,CVASU, CVASU from March 1, 2018 to Feb. 29, 2020
•   Head (Addl. Charge), in Dept. of Fish Biology & Biotechnology, CVASU., CVASU from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2015

•   JSPS Invitational Research Fellow in Food & Feed Immunology Group, Tohoku University, Tohoku University, Japan from May 12, 2022 to Feb. 26, 2023
•   National Consultant in Department of Livestock Services, Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock, from March 1, 2019 to April 30, 2019
•   JSPS Postdoctoral Researcher in Food & Feed Immunology Group, Tohoku University, Tohoku University,Japan from Nov. 2, 2015 to Oct. 31, 2017
•   Visiting Researcher in Production Animal Research Laboratory, Norway, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway from May 1, 2014 to June 26, 2014

Teaching : Current Courses

Course Name Course Code Department
Dairy Microbiology DMC-301 Department of Dairy and Poultry Science
Dairy Science DVM-302 Department of Dairy and Poultry Science
Large Animal Production LAP-201 Department of Dairy and Poultry Science



Cell Phone:   +88-01712-164794

T&T:   +88-02334466212

Fax:   +88-02334466270


201, Eusuf Chowdhury Building (1st floor), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Dept. of Dairy & Poultry Science,,
Zakir Hossain Road, Khulshi, Chattogram.

Similar to Me

Dr. A.S.M Lutful Ahasan
Department of Anatomy and Histology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Educational Qualifications
Name of University/Institution
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
September, 2011
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Master of Science in Dairy Science
August, 2001
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry
December, 1999

Trainings Received

(1)Training on “Scientific report writing” from Graduate Training Institute BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh

(2)Training on “Immunohistochemistry of avian adrenal gland” from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Thailand



Acedemic Awards
  1. English Presentation Award, *130th Animal Science Congress of the Japanese Soc of Animal Sci, 2022
  2. JSPS Invitation Fellowship (Long), Tohoku University, Japan, 2022~ 2023.      (*as group awards)
  3. Best Researcher Award 2019-2020, Annual Research Workshop 2020CVASU, Bangladesh. 2021
  4. Best Poster Presentation Award,*Gnatwork workshop Bangladesh, 2018
  5. Poster Presentation Award, *123th Animal Science Congress Japan, 2017
  6. Best Poster Presentation Award, *V International Sympo.on LAB Argentina, 2016
  7. Best Poster Presentation Award,*Annual Conf. of the Japanese Asso. for Food Immunology, 2016 (*as group awards).
  8. JSPS Post-doc Fellowship, Japan, 2015~2017
  9. Visiting Researcher Award, Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway, 2014
  10. The Monbukagakusho Scholarship, Japan, 2008~2011
  11. Training Program Fellowship, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 2009. 
  12. Student Scholarship, Bangladesh  Agricultural University, Bangladesh, 1995~2001.

  1. Bangladesh Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Alumni Association since 2018, 
  2. Japanese Association of Food Immunology since 2016, 
  3. Japanese Society of Animal Science since 2008, 
  4. Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, since 2008, 
  5. Bangladesh Animal Husbandry Association since 2001,
  6. Bangladesh Society for Animal Production Education and Research, Bangladesh since 2010 and 
  7. The World's Poultry Science Association--Bangladesh Branch since 2010 etc.


Professional activity

a) Editorial activity

  • Guest Editor, Microorganisms (IF: 4.5), 2022 ~ to date 


  • Review Editor, Frontiers in Microbiology (IF: 7.3), 2022 ~ to date and 
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Modern Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2021 ~ to date

b)  Reviewer: Food & Function, Frontiers in Nutrition, Front. Microbiol. etc., 2017 ~ to date

c)  ColumnistTop national dailies, 2019 ~ to date



Total impact factor: about 107; Total peer-reviewed article: 50 [International-33; National-17 (23 as first/equal contributor/ corresponding author, 28 as a co-author, Conference proceeding/abstract/talk: 40 [International-34; National-3]; Popular article in top national dailies: about 22. 

The peer-reviewed research article has been published in Scopus/WoS/PubMed-indexed journals including Frontiers in Immunology, Cells,Microorganisms, Frontiers in Immunology, Animals, International Journal of Molecular SciencesBeneficial Microbes, Molecular Immunology; Journal of Poultry Science; Poultry Science; Genome Announcements etc.


Google Scholar:


Web of Science:


a. Published in Journal

   A. K. M. Humayun Kober, is shown in bold letters


  1. Kober, AKMH, Abdin, M., Subhash, A., Liu,S.Q., Dertli, ,E., Basim, A.J., Show, P.L.Ayyash, M 2025.   Exopolysaccharides from camel milk-derived Limosilactobacillus reuteri c66: structural characterization, novel bioactivities and rheological properties for food applications. Food Chemistry: X.  Volume 25, (Corresponding author). (IF: 6.5).


  1. Kober, AKMH, Saha, S, Ayyash, M, Namai, F,Nishiyama, K, Yoda, K, Villena, J, Kitazawa, H. 2024.  Insights into the Anti-Adipogenic and Anti-Inflammatory Potentialities of Probiotics against Obesity.  Nutrients 2024, 16, 1373(IF: 5.9). [Download PDF] 
  2. Chowdhury, MR, Morshed, S, Amin, US, Hossain, T, Kober, AKMH. 2024.  Effects of adding banana juice on the physical, chemical, and microbiological quality of yogurt. J Mod Agric Biotechnol, 2024, 3(1), 2-7.  (Corresponding author)


  1. Rana, MS, Amin, US, Chowdhury, MR, Kober, AKMH. 2023. A comparative study on the clean milk production practices of military farm chattogram with selected farms of Chattogram district. Bangladesh J Vet Anim Sci, 11(2):9-17. (†Corresponding author).


  1. Kober, AKMH, Villena, J.Kitazawa, H. et al. 2022.  Immunomodulatory effects of probiotics: A novel preventive approach for the control of bovine mastitis. Microorganisms, 10(11): 2255. (IF: 4.5).
  2. Tomokiyo, M., Tonetti, F.R., Kober, AKMH, Kitazawa, H. et al. 2022. Modulation of alveolar macrophages by postimmunobiotics: impact on the antivial respiratory immune response. Cells, 11(19): 2986. (IF: 6.0).10.3390/cells11192986
  3. Kanwal, A., Azeem, F., Kober, AKMH, Rasul, I. et al. 2022. Molecular mechanisms of cassia fistula against epithelial ovarian cancer using network pharmacology and molecular docking approaches. Pharmaceutics, 14(9): 1970. (IF: 6.25).
  4. Kober, AKMH, ….H, Kitazawa et al., 2022. Immunomodulation Potential of Probiotics: A Novel Strategy for Improving Livestock Health, Immunity, and Productivity. Microorganisms, 10:388 1-21   (IF: 4.152). "Highly Cited Papers" of Microorganisms in 2022. (Corresponding author) [Download PDF] 
  5. Amin, U S, Kober, AKMH, et al., 2022.   Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria from traditional fermented milk “Dahi” towards developing probiotic Dahi in Bangladesh. Journal of Modern Agriculture and Biotechnology, 1(1):2.
  6.  Suda Y,  Kagawa K , ….,Kober, AKMH, H, Kitazawa et al., 2022. Soymilk-fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii TUA4408L improves immune-health in pigs. Benef Microbes, 31;1-12. doi: 10.3920/BM2021.0068. (IF: 4.2). 
  7. Hasan MS, Kober, AKMH, et al., 2022. Association of Udder Lesions with Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows of Chattogram, Bangladesh. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. ….) (IF: 0.26).


  1. Islam MA, Kenji H, Kober, AKMH,….. Haruki Kitazawa et al., 2021.  Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Immunobiotic Lactiplantibacillusplantarum N14 Fermented Rakkyo (Allium chinense) Pickled Juice on the Immunocompetence and Production Performance of Pigs. Animals 2021, 11(3), 752;  (IF: 2.323).[Download PDF]
  2.  Suda, Y, N. Sasaki, ….,Kober, AKMH, H, Kitazawa et al., 2021.  Immunobiotic Feed Developed with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii TUA4408L and the Soymilk By-Product Okara Improves Health and Growth Performance in Pigs. Microorganisms, 9(921) :1-18. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms9050921  (IF: 4.152) .[Download PDF]


  1. Bari, MS, Kober, AKMH, Hoque MA, Debnath GK, Chanda, GC 2020. Prevalence of antibiotic residues and associated risk factors in milk in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 8(7): 701-708. .   (IF: 0.26) [Download PDF]
  2. Asuka, T*, Kober, AKMH*,Kitazawa et al., 2020. Evaluation of fat accumulation and adipokine production during the long-term adipogenic differentiation of porcine intramuscular preadipocytes and study of the influence of immunobiotics. Cells, 9, 1715:1-22. (*Equal contribution). (IF: 4.366). [Download PDF]
  3. Asuka T*, Islam MA*, Kober, AKMH*,….. Haruki Kitazawa et al., 2020.Transcriptome Modifications in the Porcine Intramuscular Adipocytes during Differentiation and Exogenous Stimulation with TNF-α and Serotonin. International Journal of Molecular Science. 21(2), 638; (*Equal contribution). (IF: 4.556). [Download PDF]


  1. Iida H.,MTohno, ….,Kober, AKMH,, H, Kitazawa et al., 2019.Paraimmunobiotic Bifidobacteria Modulate the Expression Patterns of Peptidoglycan Recognition Proteins in Porcine Intestinal Epitheliocytes and Antigen Presenting Cells. Cells, 8(8):891, 1-22. (IF: 4.366). [Download PDF]
  2. Manami I. Kober, AKMH, H, Kita zawa et al, ., 2019. Transcriptome modifications in porcine adipocytes via Toll-like receptors activation, Frontiers in Immunology, 10(1180):1-15.(IF: 5.085).[Download PDF]
  3. Masumizu,Y.*, ...Kober, AKMH*, Kitazawa et al., 2019. Isolation and Immunocharacterization of Lactobacillus salivarius from the Intestine of Wakame-Fed Pigs to Develop Novel “Immunosynbiotics”,Microorganisms,7(167):1-17.(*Equalcontribution).(IF:4.152). [Download PDF]


  1. Kanmani, P. L. Albarracin, Kobayashi, H, H. Iida, R. Komatsu, Kober, AKMH, H, Kitazawa et al., 2019. Exopolysaccharides from Lactobacillus delbrueckii OLL1073R-1 modulate innate antiviral immune response in porcine intestinal epithelial cells. Molecular Immunology, 93:253-2652018. (IF: 3.23).  [Read Abstract] 


  1. Patricia C., P. Kanmani, L. Albarracin, Kober, AKMH, H, Kitazawa et al. 2017. Peptidoglycan from immunobiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus improves resistance of infant mice to respiratory syncytial viral infection and secondary pneumococcal pneumonia. Frontiers in Immunology. August 2017. (IF: 6.42). doi:  10.3389/fimmu.2017.00948. [Download PDF]
  2. Bari MS, Sen AR, Mokbul SB, Kober, AKMH, Isolation of exopolysaccharide producing Lactobacillus bulgaricus organism from yoghurt. International Journal of Natural Sciences, 6(3):123-127, (2017). [Download PDF]


  1. Kobayashi, H., L. Albarracin, N. Sato, P. Kanmani, Kober, AKMH, H, Kitazawa et al., Modulation of porcine intestinal epitheliocytes immunetranscriptome response by Lactobacillus jensenii TL2937. Beneficial Microbes, 7, 769-782, 2016. (IF: 3.30). [Download PDF]
  2. Villena, J., L. Saavedra, E. Hebert, Y. Masumizu, N. Sato, Kober, AKMH, H, Kitazawa et al. (2016). Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus plantarum TL2766, a strain with the ability to ferment wakame. Genome Announcements, 4, e01328-16, 2016. (IF: 1.18) [Download PDF]
  3. Bari MS, Sen AR, Mokbul SB, Kober, AKMH and Debnath GK. Isolation of exopolysaccharide producing Streptococcus thermophilus organism of yoghurt, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 4: 43-46, 2016. [Download PDF]
  4. Ahmed RU, Kober, AKMH, Bari MS et al (2016). Identification of Injury, Mortality and Welfare during Broiler Transportation. International Journal of Natural Sciences, 6(2): 83- 88, 2016. [Download PDF]


  1. Kober, AKMH, Bari, MS, Morshed, S and Momin, MM, Evaluation of nutritional quality, contamination, adulteration and preservative quality of different sources of milk. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 3(1&2), 25- 29, 2015. [Download PDF]


  1. Debnath, GK, Kober, AKMH, Chanda, T, Chanda, GC et al, Comparative study on the quality of available brand and non brand fluid milk consumed by the people of Chittagong City of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural Sciences, 4 (1),16-20, 2014. [Download PDF]
  2. Kober, AKMH, Bari, MS, Nath, BK and Chakma, J,  Small scale dairy cattle management in hilly district of Bangladesh.  Advances in Agriculture, Sciences and Engineering Research,4 (1), 1445-1452,2014. [Download PDF]
  3. Kober, AKMH, Bari MS, Rakib R and Ali S (2014). Injuries of cattle and buffalo during transportation and slaughter at Chittagong City Corporation of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 43 (1): 74- 77. , 2014. [Download PDF]


  1. Bari, M.S., Kober, AKMH, Islam MM and Torab, A, Nutritional quality of ripened jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophillus) of Bangladesh. Advances in Agriculture, Sciences and Engineering Research, 3 (11), 1258 -1262, 2013. [Download PDF]
  2. Kober, AKMH, Aoyama, M and Sugita, S, Immunohistochemical study of TH, DBH, and PNMT in the adrenal gland of the jungle   crows (Corvus macrorhynchos). Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2 (1& 2), 32-36, 2013.  [Download PDF]


  1. Kober, AKMH, Aoyama, M and Sugita, S, Morphological and histological studies on the adrenal gland of the chicken (Gallus domesticus). Journal of Poultry Science,49, 39 - 45, January, 2012.(IF: 0.87) [Download PDF]
  2. Kober, AKMHMatsuda, YAoyama, M and Sugita, S, Morphological and immunohistochemical studies of the adrenal gland in the jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos).Bulletin of the Utsunomiya University Faculty of Agriculture, 23, 1-8, 2012. [Download PDF]


  1. Kober, AKMHAoyama, M, Tsukahara, N and Sugita, S, The effects of acute transportation stress on the adrenal gland of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). Animal Behaviour and Management, 47, 97 -103, September, 2011. [Download PDF] 


  1. Debnath, GK, Kober, AKMH, Talukder, S and Chanda, T, Microbiological quality of different types of milk in Chittagong area of Bangladesh. Eco-Friendly Agricultural Journal, 3, 131-133, 2010.
  2. Kober, AKMHAoyama, M and Sugita, S, Immunohistochemical localization of catecholamine  biosynthetic enzymes in the adrenal gland of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus). Poultry Science, 89, 1709-1715, August, 2010.(IF: 2.21).  [Download PDF]


  1. Hossain, MT and Kober, AKMHMicrobiological quality of ice cream available in Chittagong. Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology, 25, 135-136, December, 2008.  [Download PDF] 


  1. Kober, AKMHMannan, MA, Debnath, GK and Akter, S, Quality evaluation of dahi/ yogurts sold in Chittagong metropolitan area in Bangladesh. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology, 3, 41-46, 2007.
  2. Kober, AKMHSikder, N and Debnath, GK, Present status and prospects of the small scale dairy farming in the selected areas of Bangladesh. Journal of Subtropical Agricultural Research and Development,5, 390-394, December, 2007.
  3. Kabir, MH, Ali, MS, Islam, M, Hossain, MA and Kober, AKMH, Choice feeding and broiler performance. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology,3, 61-66, December, 2007.
  4. Paul, R, Ali, MS, Islam, F, Begum, K and Kober, AKMHEffect of phytase on calcium and phosphorus retention of chicken diet. International Journal of Animal and Fisheries Science, 1, 43-48, June2007.


  1. Kober, AKMH, Islam, MN and Hassan, MN, Effects of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) as preservative of sandesh (chana sweet). The Bangladesh Veterinarian,23, 42-46,Jan-June, 2006
  2. Halder, N and Kober, AKMH,Nutritional content and bacteriological contamination of milk of red Chittagong and Holstein-Friesian crossbred cows. The Bangladesh Veterinarian,23, 47-52,Jan-June, 2006.


  1. Debnath, GK, Kober, AKMH, Chanda, T, Hoque, MA and Halim, MA, Effects of supplementary concentrate feeding on milk production, quality and body weight change of red Chittagong cows and their calves under village management condition. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences,6, 945-947, May, 2003 [Download PDF]
  2. Kober, AKMH, Islam, MN, and Amin, MR, Effects of cardamom on shelf life of sandesh (milk sweet) at room temperature. The Bangladesh Veterinarian,20, 64-67, January-June, 2003.
  3.    Kober, AKMHDebnath, GK, Chanda, GC, Chanda, T and Amin, MR, Economic traits of different dairy cows under village condition. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 6, 902-904, May, 2003


  1. Kober, AKMHIslam, MN and Debnath, GK, Physical, chemical and microbiological qualities of sandesh (milk sweet). The Bangladesh Veterinarian,19, 23-28, January-June, 2002.       
  2. Islam, MN, Ali, MS, Kober, AKMHand Amin, MR, Quality of milk consumed by residential people of Bangladesh Agricultural University campus, Mymensingh. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 19, 29-33, January-June, 2002.
  3. Wadud, A, Kober, AKMH.. and Debnath, GK, Physical, chemical and microbiological qualities of buffaloes milk. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 31, 91-98, 2002.
  4. Chanda, T, Islam, MN, Debnath, GK, Kober, AKMHand Chanda, GC, Preparation of rosogalla from different proportionate mixture of cow’s milk and soy-milk curd. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science,31, 99-106, 2002.

b.Conference Proceedings/Abstract /talk (only recent)= Presenter


  1. Kober, A.K.M.H. Amin, U.S., M. R. Chowdhury, T. Hossain, M. Ayyash2024. Physicochemical and microbiological quality evaluation of traditional fermented milk “buffalo raw milk dahi” in Bangladesh.  2ndInternational Seminar on Functional Food and Nutraceutical, Indonesia(Submitted).
  2. Kober, A.K.M.H. 2024. Enjoy dairy for healthy aging. Key note presentation presented in the Special Seminar in CVASU, Chattogram,Bangladesh. June 1, 2024.
  3. Emon, M., J., H, Kober, A.K.M.H. 2023A study on farmers’ awareness levels of antimicrobial usage in selected areas of Chattogram district. 5th National Intern Conference 2023, CVASU, (Page-43).
  4. Ryusuke, O., Taiga, S., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2023. Isolation and immune characterization of lactic acid bacteria from swine milk to generate a Lactobacillus library of immunobiotics. Proc 10th Congress of European Microbiologists. Germany. July 9 -13, 2023.
  5. Kober, A.K.M.H. 2022. Development of probiotic & low-fat yogurt in the context of Bangladesh: Opportunities & challenges. Oral presentation presented in the Special lecture in International Education and Research Center for Food Agricultural Immunology, Tohoku University, Japan. Nov 25, 2022.
  6. Kober, A.K.M.H. 2022. Development of probiotic & low-fat yogurt: Bangladesh perspectives. Oral presentation presented in the Special lecture at Shinshu University, Japan. Oct 11, 2022.
  7. Kober, A.K.M.H. 2022. Overview of research & academic activity. Oral presentation presented in the Special lecture in Tohoku University, Japan. July 29, 2022.
  8. Zhou, B., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2022. Survival of immunobiotics in the GI tract for immunosynbiotic development. Proc. Annual Conference of the Japanese Dairy Science Association, (Page-24).
  9. Kasahara, H., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2022. Advanced development of an in-vitro IBD model for the selection of immunobiotics. Proc 130th Congress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science, (Page-135).
  10. Zhou, B., Kober, A.K.M.H. Kitazawa, H. et al. 2022. Basic research on growth improvement of immunosynbio. Proc 130th Congress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science, (Page-135).
  11. Kohtaro, F., Michihiro, T., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2022. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory immunobiotics in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Proc 130th Congress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science, (Page-135).
  12. Mehwish, H.M., Rajoka, M.S.R., Kober, A.K.M.H. Kitazawa, H. et al. 2022. Immunomodulatory potential of EPS produced by LAB for the dairy industry. Proc 130th Congress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science, (Page-136). English Presentation Award.
  13. Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2019. Long-term adipogenic differentiation of PIP cells for evaluating obesity-induced inflammatory activities of immunobiotics. 4th Young Scientist Congress, Bangladesh, (Page-116). 
  14. Akter, S., Akter, N., Kober, A.K.M.H. 2019. Isolation of Escherichia Coli and Salmonella sp from Dahi marketed in Chattogram metropolitan area. 4th Young Scientist Congress', Dhaka, Bangladesh, (Page-116). 
  15. Kober, A.K.M.H. Amin, U.S., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2018. Immunological functionality of fermented pickled juice to enhance gut immunity, growth and meat quality in post-weaning pigs. Gnatwork workshop Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2018, (Page-27). Best Poster Presentation Award.
  16. Dhar, A., Amin, U.S., Kober, A.K.M.H. 2018. Dairy industry in Bangladesh: challenge and prospectus. 15th international scientific conference 2018, CVASU, (Page-174).
  17. Manami, I., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. Effects of common microbial ligands for TLRs on adipogesesis and inflammatory parameters inporcine adipocytes. Proc 123th Animal Science Congress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science
  18. Komatsu, R., Hikaru, I., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. Development of advanced evaluation system of anti-disease immunobiotics. Proc 123th Congress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science
  19. Yuhka, N., Masumizu, Y., Kober, A.K.M.H.Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. “Immunosynbiotic” approach by using wakameand immunobaotic lactic acid bacteria as livestock healthy growth strategy. Proc 123th Congress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science
  20. Manami, I., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. Transcriptomic analysis on effects of common microbial ligands for TLRs on adipogesesis and inflammatory parameters in porcineadipocytes (Japanese). Proc.  Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Dairy Science, Japan.
  21. Komatsu, R., Hikaru, I., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. Advanced evaluation system of anti-disease immunobiotics. International symposium on new horizons in food science via agricultural immunology held on July 21-24, 2017 in Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, (Page-17). 
  22. Yuhka, N., Kober, A.K.M.H.Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. “Immunosynbiotic” approach by using wakame and immunobiotics livestock healthy growth strategy. International symposium on new horizons in food science via agricultural immunology held on July 21-24, in Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan,14(Abstr.)
  23. Albarracin, L., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. Effect of immunobiotic Bifidobacteria on the innate antiviral immune response in bovine intestinal epithelial cells: Immunotranscriptomicanalysis. Proc 7th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2017 Congress). FEMS7-0274(Abstr.).
  24. Kober, A.K.M.H., Albarracin, L., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. The respiratory commensal bacteria Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum 090104 improves respiratory antiviral innate immunity. Proc 7th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2017 Congress).FEMS7-0273(Abstr).
  25. Manami, I., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2017. Transcriptomic analysis on the response of porcine adipocytes to common microbial ligands. Proc 7th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2017 Congress).FEMS7-0314 (Abstr).
  26. Kober, A.K.M.H. 2017. Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory activities of immunobiotics by using PIP. Oral presentation presented in the Special Seminar in IATA-CSIC, Valencia, Spain, July 14, 2017.
  27. Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2016. Long term differentiation model of porcine intramuscular adipocytes for evaluating anti-adipogenic and anti-inflammatory activities of immunobiotics. Proc121thCongress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science, (page-221).
  28. Kanmani, P., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2016. Immunoregulatory activity of immunogenics on PIE cells against Ploy I: C stimulation. Proc 121th Congress of the Japanese Society of Animal Science, (Page-222). 
  29. Kober, A.K.M.H., Tada, A, Kitazawa, H. et al. 2016. Innate immunity in long-term adipogenesis of PIP cell line: ligand specific activation of Toll-like receptors modulates triacylglyceride, cytokine and chemokine secretion in adipocytes. Proc 66th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists, (Page-175).
  30. Kober, A.K.M.H. 2016. Evaluating anti-adipogenic and anti-inflammatory activities of immunobiotics by using porcine intramuscular adipocytes. Oral presentation presented in the Special Seminar in University of Toronto, June 17, 2016.
  31. Kober, A.K.M.H. 2016. Overview of Bangladesh, livestock & my research. Oral presentation presented in the Special lecture in Tohoku University, August 13.
  32. Masumizu, Y., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2016. Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum MPL16: A Wakame-utilizing immunobiotic strain from swine feces. Proc. V International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, (page-76). Best Poster Presentation Award.
  33. Sato, N., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2016. Development of immunobiotic evaluation system on porcine intestinal epitheliocytes stimulated by dextran sodium sulfate. Proc. V International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, Argentina, (Page-75). 
  34. Masumizu, Y., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2016. Basic and advanced research of wakame utilizing for immunobiotics (Japanese). Proc. Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Dairy Science.l65, (Page-138). 
  35. Sato, N., Kober, A.K.M.H, Kitazawa, H. et al. 2016.   Advanced immunobiotic evaluation system by using porcine derived cells to expand milk availability (Japanese). Proc. Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Dairy Science. vol65, (Page-136). 
  36. Masumizu, Y., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al.  2016. Availability of wakameutilizing immunobiotics (Japanese). Proc. Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Food Immunology, (Page-21). 
  37. Sato, N., Kober, A.K.M.H., Kitazawa, H. et al. 2016. Advanced immunobiotic evaluation system by using porcine derived cells to prevent and recover inflammatory bowel disease. Proc. Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Food Immunology, (Page-64). Best Poster Presentation Award.
  38. Roy, S.M.P.K., Kober, A.K.M.H. 2015. Detection of heavy metals in milk and powder milk of Bangladesh Poster presentation presented in the 149th Animal Science Congress of the Bangladesh Society of Animal Science, Feb 9-10, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  39. Kober, A.K.M.H. et al. 2013. Assessment of nutritional content, contamination, adulteration and preservative quality of different types of milk in Chittagong town for safe guarding public health. The annual research workshop CVASU, Nov 9, 2013, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

c.Book (Full authorship) : UG & PG level – total page 323 (12th chapter)

    Kober, A.K.M.H. (2024). Milk and Dairy Foods: Nutrition, Processing and Healthy Aging (1st ed.). CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group,USA.

d. 【Published popular articles (Native Language) in national print media】

  1. Kober, A.K.M.H.  CVASU Professor's research book is in the world best list (সিভাসু অধ্যাপকের  গবেষণাধর্মী সেই বই বিশ্বসেরার তালিকায়) Daily Purbokone, 12th February, 2025
  2. Kober, A.K.M.H. Strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by livestock (গবাদিপশুর মাধ্যমে উৎপাদিত গ্রিনহাউস গ্যাস নির্গমন কমানোর কৌশলProthom Alo, 24 January, 2025.
  3. Kober, A.K.M.H. What should be environmentally-friendly agriculture? (পরিবেশ-বান্ধব কৃষি কেমন হওয়া উচিত?)  Ittefaq, 16 December, 2024.
  4. Kober, A.K.M.H. Why agriculture is not attractive to young (কৃষি কেন তরুণদের কাছে আকর্ষণীয় নয়Prothom Alo, 09 December, 2024.
  5. Kober, A.K.M.H. Challenges & prospects of dairy industry in Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশের দুগ্ধশিল্পের চ্যালেঞ্জ  সম্ভাবনাIttefaq, 29 October, 2024
  6. Kober, A.K.M.H. Breastfeeding is the basis of a healthy life for a child. (মাতৃদুগ্ধপান শিশুর সুস্থ জীবনের বুনিয়াদ) Prothom Alo, 03 August, 2024.
  7. Kober, A.K.M.H. Why is the world-famous Brahma cow banned in Bangladesh? (বিশ্বজুড়ে জনপ্রিয় ব্রাহমা গরু কেন বাংলাদেশে নিষিদ্ধ) Prothom Alo, 05 July, 2024. Highest Read Article.
  8. Kober, A.K.M.H. How to ensure animal welfare in sacrifice (কোরবানিতে প্রাণিকল্যাণ নিশ্চিত করবেন যেভাবে) Prothom Alo, 16 June, 2024.
  9. Kober, A.K.M.H. How to identify artificially fattened cows (কৃত্রিমভাবে মোটাতাজা করা গরু কীভাবে চিনবেন) Prothom Alo, 10 June, 2024.
  10. Kober, A.K.M.H. Does warm milk help you sleep? (যে নিয়মে দুধ পান করলে দূর হবে ঘুমের সমস্যা) Prothom Alo, 01 June, 2024.
  11. Kober, A.K.M.H. How to fatten cows cheaply and healthily while considering sacrifice (কোরবানিকে সামনে রেখে কম খরচে স্বাস্থ্যসম্মতভাবে গরুমোটাতাজা করবেন যেভাবে), Prothom Alo, 26 March, 2024.
  12. Kober, A.K.M.H. Our vision of higher education in a global context (বৈশ্বিক প্রেক্ষাপটে আমাদের উচ্চশিক্ষা ভাবনা), Ittefaq, 22 March, 2024.
  13. Kober, A.K.M.H. Status of mother tongue in higher education (উচ্চশিক্ষায় মাতৃভাষার হালচাল) Bangla Tribune, 24 Feb, 2024.
  14. Kober, A.K.M.H. Sacrificed well-nourished cows and healthy meat (কোরবানিতে হৃষ্ট-পুষ্ট গরু ও স্বাস্থ্যসম্মত মাংস), Ittefaq, 21st June, 2023.
  15. Kober, A.K.M.H. World milk day: healthy aging with milk and dairy foods (বিশ্ব দুগ্ধ দিবস : বার্ধক্যে সুস্বাস্থ্য ও দুগ্ধজাত দ্রব্যের গুরুত্ব), Prothom Alo, 1st June, 2023.
  16. Kober, A.K.M.H. Milk facts (দুধের জানা-অজানা কথন), Bangla Tribune, 4th March, 2022.
  17. Kober, A.K.M.H. Good vs. predatory journals (জার্নাল সমাচার: ভালো বনাম প্রিডেটরি জার্নাল), Bangla Tribune, 5th December, 2021.
  18. Kober, A.K.M.H. Food security and nutrition in post-covid (করোনা পরবর্তী খাদ্য নিরাপত্তা ও পুষ্টি নিশ্চিতে যা করতে হবে). Prothom Alo, 6thSeptember, 2021.
  19. Kober, A.K.M.H. Higher Education in the Post-COVID (কেমন হতে পারে করোনা পরবর্তী উচ্চশিক্ষা?), Ittefaq, 13th August, 2021.
  20. Kober, A.K.M.H. Does milk fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic? (দুধপানে কোভিড-১৯ জয়, বাহুল্য নাকি বাস্তবতা?) Bangla Tribune, 15thJanuary, 2021.
  21. Kober, A.K.M.H. Not all 'fat' cows are fat (সব মোটাতাজা গরু মোটাতাজা নয়), Prothom Alo, 21st July, 2019.
  22. Kober, A.K.M.H. Recognize artificially fattened cows (কৃত্রিম ভাবে মোটাতাজা করা গরু চিনবেন যেভাবে) ProthomAlo, 3rd July, 2021.
  23. Kober, A.K.M.H. How to recognize a native cow in a sacrifice (কোরবানিতে দেশি গরু চিনবেন যেভাবে) ProthomAlo, Ittefaq, 7th and 18th July, 2021.

e. 【TV talk show】

  1. Kober, A.K.M.H. (Maasranga TV). Ranga Shokal (রাঙা সকাল) Maasranga television 20th January, 2025
  2. Kober, A.K.M.H. (Jamuna TV). Sokaler Bangladesh (সকালের বাংলাদেশ) Jamuna television 1st Dec, 2024
  3. Kober, A.K.M.H. Why is the highly educated unemployment increasing? (উচ্চশিক্ষিত বেকার বাড়ছে কেন?) Nexus television 12th Oct, 2024
  4. Kober, A.K.M.H. Chayer Chumuke (চায়ের  চুমুকে ) ATN Bangla 3rd Oct, 2024.
  5. Kober, A.K.M.H. Youth in Agriculture (কৃষিতে তারুণ্য) Nexus television 14th Sept, 2024.
  6. Kober, A.K.M.H. Artificially fattened cows and public health hazards (কৃত্রিমভাবে মোটাতাজা গরু ও মানবদেহে স্বাস্থ্যঝুঁকি)  Dainik Orthoniti (online TV), 25th June, 2023
  7. Kober, A.K.M.H. Dairy Sector: prospects and challenges (ডেইরি খাতের চ্যলেঞ্জ ও করণীয়) Bangla Tv (Business Time |Talk Show|Ep: 19), 27th Dec, 2021.
  8. Kober, A.K.M.H. Artificially fattened cows and public health hazards (কৃত্রিমভাবে মোটাতাজা গরু ও মানবদেহে স্বাস্থ্যঝুকি) Dainik Orthoniti (online TV), 25th June, 2023.


Current Funding

Research projects funded by the Ministry of Science/CVASU/UGC, Bangladesh etc:


Assessment of nutritional content of different types of baby powder milk in Chittagong town for safe guarding public health


Physicochemical and microbiological quality evaluation of traditional fermented milk “buffalo raw milk dahi” in Bangladesh


Characterization and determination of probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria towards developing novel probiotic yogurt


Development of whey-based fermented beverage

Project Completed

Research projects funded by the Ministry of Science/CVASU/UGC, Bangladesh etc:

2022-23Development of next-generation immunobiotics for growing healthy livestock & humans (JSPS funded)
2020Low fat Dahi development
2020Assessment of milk preservation technique
2020Assessment of clean milk production practices
2019Antimicrobial uses in lactating cows and its residual change in milk during the antimicrobial course
2019Isolation of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp from Dahi Marketed in Chattogram Metropolitan Area
2019Developing probiotic bacteria from locally available Dahi and its novel application as probiotic Dahi
2015-17Study on an advanced application of immunobiotics as drug alternatives for growing healthy livestock (JSPS funded)
2014Identification of risk factors during chicken transportation that influence injury, mortality and welfare
2012-13The welfare of cattle and buffalo at selected livestock market of Bangladesh during transport and slaughter
2013-13Assessment of nutritional content, contamination, adulteration and preservative quality of different types of milk in Chittagong town for safe guarding public health
2008-11Histological study of adrenal gland and its response to stress in chicken- PhD project
2007A comparative study on the chemical, microbiological and preservative quality of different brand market milk, non-brand milk and milk from different vendor’s milk in Chittagong area
2003-04Problem confrontation of the farmer rearing in black bangle goats



  PG (MS)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Juwel Chandra Bhowmik - - 2018-19 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Development of low fat Dahi
Thesis Title : Development of low fat Dahi
2. Sahabuddin - - 2018-19 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Development and sensory evaluation of whey based beverage from banana juice
Thesis Title : Development and sensory evaluation of whey based beverage from banana juice
3. Sohel 2019-20 - - PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
A Comparative Study On the Clean Milk Production Practices Of Military Farm Chattogram With Selected Area of Chattogram District
Thesis Title : A Comparative Study On the Clean Milk Production Practices Of Military Farm Chattogram With Selected Area of Chattogram District
4. MD. Saifur Rahman January-June, 2021 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Adoption of clean milk production practices by selected dairy farmers of Chattogram district.
Thesis Title : Adoption of clean milk production practices by selected dairy farmers of Chattogram district.
5. Shishir Chandra Das January-June, 2021 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Antimicrobial uses in dairy farms of Chattogram region
Thesis Title : Antimicrobial uses in dairy farms of Chattogram region
6. Shariear kabir january-June, 2021 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Characterization and determination probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria from milk products.
Thesis Title : Characterization and determination probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria from milk products.


  PG (MS)
SL No. Student Name Roll No. Reg No. Session Degree Supervisor
1. Umme Salma Amin 0118/03 490 2018/19 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Developing probiotic bacteria from locally available Dahi and its novel application as probiotic Dahi
Thesis Title : Developing probiotic bacteria from locally available Dahi and its novel application as probiotic Dahi
2. S. M. Prabir Kumar Roy - - 2013-14 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Detection of Heavy Metals in Milk And Powder Milk of Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Detection of Heavy Metals in Milk And Powder Milk of Bangladesh
3. Setara Akter 0118/04 491 2018-19 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Isolation of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp from Dahi Marketed in Chattogram Metropolitan Area
Thesis Title : Isolation of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp from Dahi Marketed in Chattogram Metropolitan Area
4. Md. Sanjid Hasan 0117/04 371 2017-18 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Association of Udder Lesions With subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows of Chittagong, Bangladesh
Thesis Title : Association of Udder Lesions With subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows of Chittagong, Bangladesh
5. Md Saiful Bari - - 2012-13 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Antimicrobial residues in milk and selected milk products of Chittagong
Thesis Title : Antimicrobial residues in milk and selected milk products of Chittagong
6. Kaberi Talukder - - 2018-19 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Antimicrobial Uses in Lactating Cows and its residual change in milk during antimicrobial course.
Thesis Title : Antimicrobial Uses in Lactating Cows and its residual change in milk during antimicrobial course.
7. Sourav Sen - - 2018-19 PG (MS) PI

Thesis Title :
Traditional method of milk preservation along with its efficacy and effect on milk composition.
Thesis Title : Traditional method of milk preservation along with its efficacy and effect on milk composition.


I have already developed a good communication with Dr. Kitazawa (Food & Feed Immunology Group, Tohoku University,Japan). Moreover,  I have  published few articles in reputed journals such as Cells, Front. Immunol., Mol. Immunol., Beneficial Microbes etcand few manuscripts are in process of submission for publication (Plz look publication) through our interaction and collaboration. We also initiate a three regional cores of the International probiotic/ Immunobiotics Consortium (Fig.).