



Research Portfolio

Dr. Md. Moksedul Momin
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Industrial Biotechnology
Faculty of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering


Md. Moksedul Momin currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding under the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) since April 2023. Before this role, he served as a Lecturer in the same department from April 2015 to July 2017, and later as an Assistant Professor from July 2017 to April 2023. Mr. Momin achieved his PhD in Statistical Genetics from the University of South Australia (UniSA), Australia. His academic journey includes graduating from CVASU with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree in 2011 and obtaining a Master of Science (MS) in Animal Breeding and Genetics in 2014.  

Dr. Momin's research interests lie in the fields of quantitative genetics, statistical genetics, and genomic prediction of complex traits and diseases in both humans and animals. He has contributed significantly to the advancement of the field, particularly through the development of innovative methods for analyzing cross-ancestry genetic architecture. Additionally, Dr. Momin has authored several widely used R-packages, including r2redux, R2ROC, MSML, and GxEprs, which have received widespread recognition for their utility.

In addition to his primary role at CVASU, Dr. Momin serves as the Head of the Department of Industrial Biotechnology within the Faculty of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering at CVASU's Research and Farm-Based Campus in Hathazari, Chattogram.

In addition to his role at CVASU, Dr. Momin holds an Adjunct Research Associate position at the University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. You can find more information about him at the following link: Dr. Moksedul Momin - University of South Australia.

Research Interests


•   Associate Professor in Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from April 30, 2023 to Present
•   Assistant Professor in Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from July 23, 2017 to April 29, 2023
•   Lecturer in Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from April 30, 2015 to July 22, 2017

•   Head in Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) from Dec. 26, 2024 to Present

•   Adjunct Research Associate in UniSA Allied Health and Human Performances, University of South Australia (UniSA) from Feb. 6, 2024 to Present
•   Academic Researcher in UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance, University of South Australia (UniSA) from June 3, 2021 to Jan. 20, 2024

Teaching : Current Courses

Course Name Course Code Department
Animal Biotechnology ABT-402 Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding
Animal Breeding ABR-301 Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding
Animal Genetics AGN-201 Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding

Course Name Course Code Department
Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals BDR-601 Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding
Genetics GNT-601 Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding
Poultry Breeding PBR-602 Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding
Poultry Breeding PBR-601 Department of Dairy and Poultry Science



Cell Phone:   +8801719366552

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Similar to Me

Dr. Md. Kabirul Islam Khan
Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Educational Qualifications
  1. Ph.D. in Statistical Genetics (2023)  - University of South Australia (UniSA), Australia.
  2. MS in Animal Breeding and Genetics (2014) - Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Bangladesh.
  3. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) (2011) - Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Bangladesh.
  4. Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) (2006) - Lalmonirhat Govt. College, Rajshahi Board.
  5. Secondary School Certificate (SSC) (2004) - Lalmonirhat Govt. High School, Rajshahi Board.


Acedemic Awards
  • 2021: University of South Australia International Graduate Research (USAIGR) stipend, Australia.
  • 2020: University Presidents Scholarship (UPS) stipend, Australia.
  • 2020: UniSA International HDR Fee Offset (Tuition Fees), Australia.
  • 2015: National Science and Technology (NST) Fellowship, Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • 2014: MS research proposal presentation award (Runner-UP), CVASU, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  1. American Society of Human Genetics
  2. Bangladesh Veterinary Council
  3. Bangladesh Veterinary Association
  4. Bangladesh Agriculturist Association (Krishibid Institution), Bangladesh


       Journal Articles 

  1. Khan, M.K.I., Hazari, E.H., Miah, G., Das, A., Momin, M.M., Alvarez-Rodriguez, M., and  Wright, D. and  Rodriguez-Martinez, H. 2024. Effects of STAT5B and BMPR-1B genes on growth and production traits in Red Jungle Fowl, Fayoumi, Hilly chickens, and their crossbreeds. South African Journal of Animal Science. 54:660-672. [IF: 0.678]
  2. Momin M.M., Wray N.R., Lee S.H. 2024. R2ROC: An efficient method of comparing two or more correlated AUC from out-of-sample prediction using polygenic scores. Human Genetics. 20: 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s00439-024-02682-1.   [IF: 5.30]. 
  3. Khan, M.K.I., Momin, M.M., Khatun, J. and Khan, M.M.R 2024. Economic value for traits of breeding objective of crossbred chickens under different production systems. Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 61(2): 248-259. 
  4. Momin M.M., Zhou X., Hyppönen E., Benyamin B. and Lee S.H. 2024. Cross-ancestry genetic architecture and prediction for cholesterol traits. Human Genetics. doi: 10.1007/s00439-024-02660-7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38536467.  [IF: 5.30] 
  5. Jayasinghe D., Momin M.M., Beckmann K., Hyppönen E., Benyamin B. and Lee S.H. 2024. Mitigating Type 1 Error Inflation and Power Loss in GxE PRS: Genotype-Environment Interaction in Polygenic Risk Score Models. Genetic Epidemiology. 1–16. [IF: 2.1]
  6. Neshat M., Lee S., Momin M.M., Truong B., van der Werf J. H. J. and Lee S. H. 2023. An effective hyper-parameter can increase the prediction accuracy in a single-step genetic evaluation. Frontiers in Genetics. 14(1104946). . [IF: 3.70] 
  7. Khan, M.K.I., Ferdous, J., Momin, M.M. and Khatun, J. 2023. Performances and Genetic Correlations between Age at First Egg and Egg Quality Traits of Reciprocal Crossbreds of Hilly and Fayoumi Chickens. Universal Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol. 11 (2), Pp: 499 – 506.
  8. Momin M.M., Shin J., Lee S., Truong B., Benyamin B., Lee S.H. 2023. A method for an unbiased estimate of cross-ancestry genetic correlation using individual-level data. Nature Communications. 14, 722. . [IF: 17.69] 
  9. Momin M.M., Lee S., Wray N.R., Lee S.H. 2023. Significance tests for R2 of out-of-sample prediction using polygenic scores. The American Journal of Human Genetics.  110: p. 349-358. [IF: 11.043] 
  10. Khan, M.K.I., Hossain, M.I., and Momin, M.M. 2022. Impact of protein supplementation on semen quality, fertility, and BMP1R gene expression in sheep of Bangladesh.  Translational Animal Science. 6:3, p.txac072 . .  [IF: 0.13] 
  11. Sultana N., Khan M.K.I., Das A. and Momin M.M. 2022.  Expression of coat colour gene, MC1R in cattle.  Indian Journal of Animal Research. 57:1,7-11. 10.18805/IJAR.BF-1476 . [IF: 0.44] 
  12. Sultana N., Khan, M.K.I. and Momin M.M. 2022. Nonlinear Models for the prediction of yearly live weight of Cattle. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 41:2, 168-172. 10.18805/ajdfr.DRF-257 . [IF: 0.51] 
  13. Noor, J., Khan, M.K.I., Momin M.M., Das A., Wright, D., Alvarez-Rodrihuez, M. and Rodrihuez-Martinez H. 2021. Effects of PMEL17 plumage color gene diversity on production performance of indigenous variety of Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 55:371-377. 10.18805/IJAR.B-1285 . [IF: 0.44] 
  14. Hossain, M.I., Khan, M.K.I., Momin, M.M. and Das, A. (2020) Effects of protein supplements on fertility and assessment of the fertility genes (GDF9 and BMP15) in indigenous sheep of Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 48:1, 484-491. 10.1080/09712119.2020.1830779. [IF: 1.630] 
  15. Hossain, M.I., Khan, M.K.I., Momin, M.M., Miah G., Quader, M.N. and Miazi O.F. 2019. Traits of Sheep and effects of protein supplements on semen profile in indigenous sheep of Bangladesh. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner . Vol. 24 No 2, Pp: 73-80.
  16. Faruq, A.A., Sohel M.S.H., Poddar S., Rakib T.M., Momin M.M. and Khan, M.K.I. 2018. Correlation and regression of traits associated with age and sex of Japanese Quail. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Vol. 6, No. 1&2, Pp: 27-32.
  17. Das, A., Gupta, M.D., Khan, M.K.I., Momin, M.M. and Miazi, O.F. 2018. Genetic and phenotypic parameter estimates for body weight and egg production at sexual maturity in Hilly×Fayoumi crossbred chickens. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological ResearchVol. 4, No. 2, Pp:186-192.
  18. Khandaker R., Khan M.K.I. and Momin M.M. 2017. Correlations among Certain Growth and Production Traits in Different Breeds of Goats. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal ScienceVol. 7, No. 3, Pp: 465-470.
  19. Momin, M.M., Khan, M.K.I. Miah, G. Das, A and Bilkis, T. 2017. Buffalo management in coastal areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Vol. 5, No. 1, Pp: 60-66.
  20. Miazi O.F., Miah G., Bilkis T., Khan M.K.I., Das A., Momin M.M., Mahmud M.S. and Dey P.C. 2016. Phenotypic and reproductive parameters of barking deer under management condition of Chittagong Zoo. International Journal of Genetics and Genomics. Vol. 4, No. 5, Pp: 40-44. 10.11648/j.ijgg.20160405.11 
  21. Hossain, M. I.  Momin, M. M.  Fakhrul Islam, K. M.  Quader, M. N. Sohel, M. S. H.  and Miah, G. 2016. Reproductive performance comparison between local and crossbred Sows reared under backyard and farming condition in Rangamati district of Bangladesh. Journal of Embryo Transfer. Vol. 31, No. 3, Pp: 249-254. 10.12750/jet.2016.31.3.249 
  22. Bilkis T., Md. Khan M.K.I., Das A., Miazi O.F., Momin M.M. and Hazary M.E.H. 2016. Artificial insemination practices and factors affecting conception rate of dairy cows in the commercial dairy farms. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology. Vol. 5, No 5, Pp: 2689 – 2700.
  23. Momin M.M., Khan M.K.I. and Miazi O.F. 2016. Performance traits of Buffalo under extensive and semi-intensive Bathan System. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science. Vol. 6, No 4, Pp: 823-831.
  24. Miah G., Das A., Bilkis, T., Momin M.M., Uddin M.A. Alim M.A., Mahmud M.S. and Miazi O.F. 2016. Comparative study on productive and reproductive traits of Black Bengal and Jamnapari Goats under semi-intensive condition. Scientific Research Journal. Vol. 4, No. 2. Pp: 1-7.
  25. Miazi O.F., Miah G., Momin M.M., Hassan M.M., Uddin M.M., Hossain M.E., Mahmud M.S.  and Ahsan M.F. 2015. Liveability of Fayoumi and Sonali chicks in scavenging rearing system. Scientific Research Journal. Vol. 3, No. 12, Pp: 15-19.
  26. Kober A.K.M.H., Bari M.S., Morshed S. and Momin M.M.  2015. Evaluation of nutritional quality, contamination, adulteration and preservation quality of different sources of milk. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Vol. 3. Pp: 25-29.

 Conference Proceedings (International Conference)

  1. Neshat M., Momin M.M., Truong B., van der Werf J. H. J., Lee S. and Lee S. H. 2022. Finetuning hyper-parameters increases the prediction accuracy in single-step genetic evaluation. Proceedings of 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP) 


Poster Presentation (International Conference) 

  1. Momin M.M., Lee S., Wray N.R., Lee S.H. 2023. Significance tests for R2 of out-of-sample prediction using polygenic scores. GeneMappersTasmania, Australia, 8-10 March 2023.
  2. Momin M.M., Zhou X., Hyppönen E., Benyamin B., Lee S.H. 2023. Cross-ancestry genetic architecture and prediction for cholesterol traits. 23rd International Congress of Genetics. Melbourne, Australia, 16-21 July 2023.

Oral Presentation (International Conference)  

  1. Momin M.M., Shin J., Lee S., Truong B., Benyamin B., Lee S.H. 2023. A novel method for an unbiased estimate of cross-ancestry genetic correlation using individual-level data. GeneMappersTasmania, Australia, 8-10 March 2023.


Developed methods and  packages 

  1. A novel method for estimating the Genomic Relationship Matrix implemented in MTG2 software (  Please see the -rtmx2 and -rtmx3 functions in the manual. The source codes also available at
  2. r2redux,  R-package available on CRAN and GitHub (
  3. R2ROC,  R-package available on CRAN and GitHub (
  4. GxEprs,  R-package available on CRAN and GitHub (
  5. MSML, R-package available on CRAN and GitHub (


Current Funding

Identification of MTNR1A Gene Polymorphisms and Their Association with Reproductive Traits in Local Sheep Breeds for Enhanced Litter Size and Meat Production,  Funded by UGC (University Grand Commission), Bangladesh through CVASU in the fiscal year 2024-25.

Project Completed

Project Completed as Principal Investigator: 

  1. Study on the effects of genes for the expression of coat color of Red Chittagong Cattle and their relationship between coat color and growth, Funded by UGC (University Grand Commission), Bangladesh through CVASU in the fiscal year 2017-18.
  2. Development of chickens suitable for meat and egg production under semi-scavenging systems using reciprocal crossing between Hilly and Fayoumi chickens, Funded by UGC (University Grand Commission), Bangladesh through CVASU in the fiscal year 2018-19.

Project Completed as Co-investigator: 

  1. Development of dual-purpose chickens (meat and egg) and characterize this chicken, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, The government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh  (Duration 2018-2020, 2023-2024).
  2. Effect of protein supplementations on semen quality, fertility traits and associated gene expression in sheep, University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh.





1.  University of South Australia (UniSA), Australia

2.  National Institute of Animal Science (NIAS), South Korea